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European Union documentation

The research guide European Law contains many resources, including overviews of the most important documents and publications of the main institutions of the European Union.


A manual on how to find legal literature, case law, articles and treaties in international legal sources in this extensive database.

How to find a treaty (JB)

This manual is a useful aid for finding treaties (pacts, conventions, agreements, convenants, charters, protocols). It consists of a short explanation on terms and definitions used, followed by an overview of sources of texts and ratification information of treaties.

How to find UN documents

References to research guides on finding UN documents and an overview of the main databases.

HUDOC (Council of Europe)

Manual for the database Hudoc which comprises judgments and decisions of the European Court of Human Rights, resolutions of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe, and decisions and reports of the former European Commission of Human Rights in English and French.


Westlaw is a database with full-text case law, legislation and legal reviews from different jurisdictions, mainly common law countries and the US but also from the EU.
The database is updated daily.