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Country collections

The start page of Westlaw concentrates on US research; you can choose a specific document type (e.g. cases, secondary resources) or use the search box and search directly in all US content.
To search in other country content (excluding US), choose International materials (All Content -> column right, bottom). With the search box you can search the whole collection or specify a country/document type (e.g. cases, articles) of your choice.

World Journals

The World Journals collection contains 1.000 leading international journals and law reviews from the US, Europe, Asia, the Middle East, Africa and Canada. To quickly search this elaborate collection, search for ‘World Journals’ in the search box on the start page or use the quick link below.

Specific journal or collection

The search box can also be used to search for a specific journal, collection or resource e.g. Criminal Law Review, World Journals, Restatements & Principles of the Law, United Kingdom Cases. The autocomplete function will help you with this; mouse click on the suggested resource (not ‘keyboard enter’).

Note that the advanced search will alter based on the document type that you have chosen; in the case law collection the advanced search will provide additional search fields for party name, court, citation etc. It is also possible to ‘build’ a query with the pre-defined fields and manually enter additional Connectors & Expanders (e.g. /P, /S, !) in the search box.

Texts and treatises

Books on US law can be found in the section Secondary Sources - Texts & Treatises from the homepage. Browse the list alphabetically or use the menu on the left to filter by publication type and topic. There are over 2,000 books available, e.g.:

Treatises on the law of other countries than the US are available under International MaterialsTreatises. Click on the name of a country/region for an overview of available treatises, e.g.:

Westlaw UK

In addition to Westlaw the Law Library now also provides access to Westlaw UK which covers UK case law and case reports, legislation, news, legal journals (100+), commentary and EU legal materials. We recommend to use this database for UK research.

Getting started

Instructional materials available from Thomson Reuters:

Having problems using Westlaw or Westlaw UK? Please contact the Law Library.