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Do you have a question about finding legal information? Ask your questions:
at the desk           REC A, 4th floor
on the phone       020-525 3843
via email               jb-fdr@uva.nl

Additionally, we offer the following services and workshops:

Book a librarian

Are you writing a thesis or paper, but having trouble finding relevant articles, books or other resources on your research topic? Or do you find too much and get lost in all the information? Make an appointment with one of the law librarians!

The law librarian can help you to:
•  find literature on a specific topic;
•  select and use the catalogues and databases;
•  develop an efficient search strategy;
•  evaluate the trustworthiness of information;
•  correctly cite your resources.

For whom?
Book a librarian is offered to UvA law students who are working on their thesis or research project.
The service is free of charge.

How does it work?
During a one-on-one session (ca 30 minutes) you will receive all information and instructions that are relevant for your research. This service is offered several times a year. New dates will be announced in the fall.

Tailor-made workshops

On request, tailor-made workshops are also possible. For this, please contact Damiaan van Eeten at d.vaneeten@uva.nl or 020-525 3432.