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Access policy collection and study room Law Library

From 1 October to 1 July, between 9:00 and 17:00, access to the study room and collection of the Law Library is limited to Amsterdam Law School students (including PPLE) and Amsterdam Law School staff members. In order to have access to the study room, an activated UvA student ID card or staff ID card is needed.

All other library users have access in the evenings on Monday through Thursday from 17:00 - 18:00. The library desk remains accessible during the day. For more information, refer to Services for library users not affiliated to the Amsterdam Law School (FdR).

In the summer, from 1 July to 1 October, the entire Law Library is accessible to all library users.

Services for library users not affiliated to the Amsterdam Law School

The following services are available to all library users during the opening hours of the Law Library:
•  38 study places
•  collect requested (Law) Library materials
•  return borrowed materials
•  borrow compulsory reading material
•  copy, print, scan and computer facilities
•  assistance from the Library desk

The entire Library can be accessed by all users from Monday through Thursday after 17:00. On Friday, the Law Library closes at 17:00.

Who has access to the study room and collection (between 9:00 and 17:00)? 

•  Bachelor's or Master's students of the Amsterdam Law School (with an activated student ID card)
•  students who follow the PPLE Bachelor's programme (with an activated student ID card)
•  faculty staff, or those with a guest appointment (with an activated staff ID card)
•  temporary faculty invitees (with an UvA service card)

Who does not have access to the study room and collection (between 9:00 and 17:00)? 

•  students who follow a study programme at another UvA faculty, even if they are following an elective course at the Amsterdam Law School
•  external PhD candidates who do not have a guest appointment
•  those who are connected to the Amsterdam Law School, but don't have a guest appointment
•  external library users, including holders of a library card and UKB card

Why restrict access to the study room?

The Faculty of Law has taken this decision to ensure that the Law Library collection and study places remain easily accessible to FdR employees and students who are following a study programme at the Faculty. This accessibility has been under pressure since the arrival of the Faculty to the Roeterseiland Campus due to the increasing burden on study facilities in the Law Library. By keeping the entire Law Library accessible to everyone from 17:00 onwards, it is possible for all users to consult the Library collection in the reading room and use the study places.


Refer to the information desk of the Law Library or
•  mail to: jb-fdr@uva.nl
•  call: 020 - 525 3843