Theo, R., & Leung, M. W. H. (2025). Education Mobility as ‘Bridges’: The Case of Indonesian Students in China. In C. Bauschke-Urban, & D. Dedgjoni (Eds.), Higher Education and Student Mobilities from the Global South (pp. 224-245). (Routledge Studies in Global Student Mobility). Routledge.
Theo, R., & Leung, W. H. M. (2022). Redefining precarity through knowledge production: The experience of the Indonesians 1965 exiles. In V. Axyonova, F. Kohstall, & C. Richter (Eds.), Academics in Exile: Networks, Knowledge Exchange and New Forms of Internationalization (pp. 59-78). (The Academy in Exile Book Series; Vol. 2). transcript.[details]
Leung, M., & Theo, R. (2018). Academic mobility and identities: Stories from (ethnic) Chinese students and scholars en route. In Trajectories and Imaginaries in Migration (pp. 182-199). Routledge.
Theo, R., & Leung, M. W. H. (2018). China’s Confucius Institute in Indonesia: Mobility, frictions and local surprises. Sustainability, 10(2), Article 530.
Theo, R. (2018). Unravelling Indonesian student mobility to China: Politics, identities, and trajectories. [Thesis, fully external, Universiteit Utrecht].
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