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Dutch newspapers


  • Nexis Uni: Dutch newspapers are available via Nexis Uni; national newspapers from ca. 1991 and regional ones  from ca. 2002. Interested in how to search in Nexis Uni? Watch the How do I find newspaper articles and news items? video on YouTube.
  • Historical newspapers on Delpher: Delpher gives access to Dutch historical texts from the digital collections of academic and heritage institutions and libraries. In Kranten you'll find a selection of national, regional, local and Dutch colonial newspapers from the Dutch East indies, Surinam and the West Indies, from 1618-1995. The interface is in Dutch only. Delpher is freely available.
  • Financieele Dagblad: from 2003. You will need to create an account.


In the Information Centre of the University Library Singel you can read the issues of the last two weeks of:

  • De Volkskrant;
  • Financieele Dagblad;
  • Het Parool;
  • NRC Handelsblad;
  • Trouw.

Older newspapers are stored in the Book depot (IWO), close to the AMC hospital. Because of their large format newspapers must be consulted at the IWO. A copying machine is available.

See CataloguePlus to find out which years of the above-mentioned and other papers are available at IWO. For example, see the listing of Dutch newspapers.

Are you looking for a specific newspaper? Then use the Journals button in CataloguePlus to quickly search by title.


Foreign newspapers


  • Nexis Uni also contains 1,300 foreign full-text news resources. Most of them are updated daily and the archive dates back 20 years. This database is available only within the UvA domain. Interested in how to search in Nexis Uni? Watch the How do I find newspaper articles and news items? video on YouTube.
  • Europeana: Newspapers from 20 European countries from 1618 – 1996 are digitised and fully searchable. The European Library is freely accessible.
  • Pravda (1912-present): Pravda is accessible only within the UvA domain.
  • Retriever Atext: Scandinavian newspaper archive.
  • The New York Times (archive): All issues from 1851-2018 of The New York Times have been digitised and are fully searchable. This database is available within the UvA domain only.
  • The New York Times (recent): To read the latest news, log on to For this, you must be within the UvA network or using a VPN connection from another location. If you are a student, select the year in which you expect to graduate. Your account is active through the year of graduation. Staff members need to renew their registration every 1456 days.
  • Washington Post: From 1974 to present.

Meer online buitenlandse kranten vind je hier: List of online newspaper archives.


P.C. Hoofthuis Library:

  • Nezavisimaja gazeta (current year)
  • Novaja gazeta (current year)