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Access policy

With a valid pass, the University Library is accessible to UvA students and staff, AUAS students and staff and anyone registered as a borrower. Please note: during examination periods, access for AUAS students/staff and external borrowers is restricted. Read more about the access policy.

Study spaces

Check the opening hours of the study spaces.

Service & Collection

Check the opening hours of Service & Collection.

The information centre on the 1st floor is open for questions and for various facilities.

In the C and E buildings you will find the current collections (Humanities collections) in the fields of philosophy, religion, art history, Greek and Latin literature, science and technology. The musicology collection is located in A2.01. The collections are arranged according to the Library of Congress Classification system.

The other humanities collections can be found in the P.C. Hoofthuis Library. Explore the Library's classification.

Other facilities



There is a sliding door to the right of the main entrance (next to the revolving door). Visitors in wheelchairs can enter through this door. Some parts of the building are not accessible to wheelchair users, namely: Vondelzaal, Belle van Zuylenzaal and 2nd floor of the C-building (part collection PR-Z).

Parking spaces for wheelchair users

Within the municipality of Amsterdam you can apply for an Amsterdam parking permit for disabled visitors if you are in possession of a European disabled parking card. This permit allows you to park free of charge in all paid parking areas.

Address & Contact

Any Questions, Suggestions or Complaints? Please let us now via the Library contact page.

Singel 425, 1012 WP Amsterdam
Telephone: 020 525 1405
P.O. Box 19185, 1000 GD Amsterdam
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