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Borrowing & renewal

UvA students and staff need a valid UvA card. External borrowers need a valid Library card
With a valid card, you can consult or borrow materials from the UvA collections. It is also possible to request materials from the AUAS collections.

  • Borrowing conditions

    You can borrow a maximum of 50 materials at a time. A maximum of 100 applies to UvA employees. The borrowing period may vary per book:

    • 28 days is the standard loan period.
    • Seven days applies to frequently requested books.
    • Same-day return applies to magazines and fragile/special materials (for consulting on location only).

    When you borrow materials from the Library, as a borrower you have an obligation to:

    • return each item before the due date;
    • not lend the borrowed item to others or take it abroad;
    • pay compensation and any additional charges in case of loss or damage to the borrowed or consulted item.
  • Collecting material from the shelf yourself

    Current and important titles for education and research can be found in open collections at the various library locations. You can pull them off the shelf and lend them to yourself. Read more about our open collections.

  • Requesting material via CataloguePlus

    CataloguePlus allows you to request materials from our physical collections in open stacks and the Book Depot (IWO), where most of our physical collections are located. You can then specify a library location of your choice to pick up the materials. This goes as follows: 

    1. Log in to CataloguePlus at the top right with your UvAnetID or your library card number. Note: New external borrowers must create a password when they log in for the first time, using the Reset password option.
    2. Request the desired material via the Request button.
    3. Choose the location where you would like to collect the material.
    4. As soon as the material is ready for you, you will receive a pick-up notice. The material will remain available for seven days.
    5. When you pick up the material, you either lend it to yourself via the lendomaat or it will be loaned to you at the desk. Material that is fragile may only be inspected on site. This material can be recognised by the indication '1 day loan' in the catalogue and by a clear strip in the material.
    6. Requested materials are usually delivered within 1-2 working days. There is no delivery at weekends or on public holidays.

    Non-requestable materials

    Some of the titles in CataloguePlus cannot be requested. It concerns:

    • Works from the open collection that are only available for consultation, e.g. frequently used study books. For this you have to go to the library collection concerned. 
    • Material from the Book Depot (IWO) that are only available for consultation, such as newspapers and large formats. For these, you must contact the Book Depot.

    For all other material that cannot be requested, please contact us via the contact form. We will be happy to help you.

    In some cases it is not possible to request the material (directly) at the UvA Library, in this case there are two options:  

    1. Borrowing from other libraries: If you cannot find the requested book in our collection it is possible to borrow material from other libraries.
    2. Purchase suggestion: If the material you are looking for is important for UvA teaching or research, you can fill out a purchase suggestion using the Library contact form.

    Requesting and viewing heritage materials and special collection

    Heritage materials and special collections can be requested through CataloguePlus and through a number of specific databases. For more information, open the Search Portal of the Allard Pierson in a new window. Requested materials can be viewed in the Allard Pierson research room. 

    Borrowing from the AUAS

    With a valid library card, student ID card or staff ID card you can borrow books from the library of the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences (AUAS) at no additional cost. Books can be requested via CataloguePlus from the AUAS library and collected at a UvA or AUAS library location.

    It is also possible to borrow books at the AUAS library locations. For more information about the opening hours:

  • Renewal is automatic

    Materials with a loan period of 7 or 28 days and ILL-books are automatically renewed unless:

    • another borrower has requested the material;
    • the maximum loan period has been reached.

    in both situations you will be notified via e-mail. 

    Maximum loan periods

    7 days items 6 weeks
    28 days items 6 months
    Material borrowed from another library (ILL-books) 4 months
    Same-day return (for inspection only) 1-day loan
    Need longer? Report to the library desk.
  • Overview of my requests and borrowed materials

    In your account in CataloguePlus you will find an overview of all your requested and borrowed materials. Also, three times a year you will receive an overview of all your outstanding loans by e-mail.

Returning, reminder emails & blocked account
  • Returning materials

    You can return borrowed materials at all library desks or at the return machine in REC-H (ground floor) or in the UB Singel (1st floor).

    If you are not able to return the material on time due to circumstances? Then please contact us.

  • Reminder emails and blocked account

    Shortly before the loan period expires, you will receive a reminder via e-mail to return borrowed material on time. Once the loan period has expired, we will send you several reminders. Therefore, check your mailbox (and spam folder) once in a while.

    • Reminder 1 (day after the due date) 
    • Reminder 2 (day 4)
    • Reminder 3 (day 11): blocking of your account takes effect. You can no longer request, borrow and renew material. If you still hand in the material, the blockage will expire.
    • Reminder 4 - the last one (day 18): your account remains blocked and you will soon receive a bill.

    No later than two weeks after the last (4th) reminder, you will receive a bill for replacement and administration costs,  totalling €75 per item.
    Fees can only be paid by transferring the amount due to the library's account number. Payment  at the libary desk is not possible.

    If you fail to pay, we call in a collection agency. 

    Any questions? Get in contact with us.

Lost or damaged items
  • Lost or damaged library items

    If you lose or damage a library item, notify the library as soon as possible via the contact form. Please state clearly in the form which item (book, media, equipment) it concerns.

    We will issue an invoice for any replacement charges. Once you have paid your invoice, we will clear your record.