Academic publications by UvA authors. To find full text publications only, filter the results by Fulltext: yes.
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UvA Scripties
Contains Bachelor and Master theses from the faculties of Economics and Business, Social and Behavioural Sciences and Science, and Master theses from the other faculties.
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Netherlands Research Portal
Netherlands Research Portal provides access to (open access) publications from the repositories of all the Dutch universities, KNAW, NWO and a number of research institutes, datasets from data archives as well as descriptions of research projects, researchers and research institutes. To find full text publications only, filter the results by Accessibility: Open Access.
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Bielefeld Academic Search Engine is a search engine especially for academic web resources. About 60% of the indexed documents is Open Access. To find full text publications only, filter the results by Access: Open Access.
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Archive for papers in several subject disciplines which are pertinent to the study of cognition: Biology, Computer Science, Linguistics, Neuroscience, Philosophy and Psychology.
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COnnecting REpositories (CORE)
Aggregator for open access research outputs from repositories and journals worldwide.
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Directory of Open Access Journals.
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Directory of Open Access Books.
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A collaborative repository of digital content from research libraries including content digitized via the Google Books project and Internet Archive digitisation initiatives, as well as content digitised locally by libraries. Interesting if you search for older publications. To find full text publications only, check the ‘Full view only’ option.
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Ingenta Open
A gateway to open access articles and books, mainly from 2000-2018.
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Academic search engine for open access articles, theses and dissertations. Searching with phrases and intitle commands is recommended, like: intitle:”music therapy” intitle:dementia
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Scholarly search engine indexing repositories for the integrated discovery of open access digital materials. Available through WorldCat.
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Open Access Library. Search engine to academic articles. In OALib the link to full-text does not always work; in that case, click the DOI.
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The OAPEN Library contains freely accessible academic books.
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Open Science Framework (OSF)
Search engine for preprints of academic articles.
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Multi-disciplinary aggregator of open access journals and papers.
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Preprints is a platform dedicated to making early versions of research outputs available. If a link to the PDF is missing, click the DOI.
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ResearchGate is a professional network for researchers. You can create a free account. Part of the content is full text downloadable. Other publications can be requested; the author decides whether a full text copy can be sent.
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Directory of Open Access Scholarly Resources that provides a worldwide overview. You can search for journals, and refine the results by Open Access: Yes.
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Sage Pure Gold Open Access Journals
SAGE Pure Gold Open Access Journals is a collection of journals mainly on medicine, but contains also several journals on social sciences and sciences.
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ScienceOpen is a free network for encouraging Open Science practices. If necessary, filter your search results by Add filter > Open Access.
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SpringerOpen journals, mainly on Medicine, Sciences and Social Sciences, are made freely and permanently available online immediately upon publication.
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Originally a research network for social sciences, SSRN provides research papers for a wide range of disciplines.
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Taylor & Francis Open Journals
Peer-reviewed publications across all disciplines. Filter your search results by Access Type: Only show Open Access.
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