Here you can find relevant information for Philosophy students and staff.
If you have any questions, please contact:
The library provides a selection of databases that are relevant to finding philosophic literature. Most databases are only accessible within the UvA domain (or with a UvAnetID).
Some important ones include:
The Philosophy collection can be found at the University Library Singel.
The UvA’s philosophy collection has always been expansive (more than 100.000 titles). A large part of this collection is stored in the library’s repository while the rest can be found in the open shelving system, predominantly in the university library Singel. The UvA’s philosophy collection contains a substantial amount of reference works, many primary and secondary sources, and monographs pertaining to the many aspects of philosophy. The acquisitions policy reflects the UvA’s current teaching and research.
The literature in the open shelving system has been organised according to the Library of Congress Classification (LCC). Some of the categories important to Philosophy include:
Most of these classifications can be found in building E of the university library Singel.
The LCC outline for Philosophy offers a comprehensive overview.
For a comprehensive layout of the Library of Congress classification please see:
Quick Reference Guide Humanities Collections
General overview of Library of Congress layout
The following subsections / collections deserve a special mention:
Accessibility of research data is currently receiving a lot of attention. Research submissions must increasingly meet requirements about the storage and accessibility of research data.
For example, the NWO-DANS Data Contracts Information brochure
(PDF, Dutch) states that when an NWO grant has been awarded, researchers must enter into a contract about the archiving and availability of the data.
According to the Netherlands Code of Conduct for Scientific Practice (PDF) the storage term of rough data is minimally 5 years. "These data are made available to other scientific practitioners at request." (III.3
On the RDM website you will find all the necessary information on planning, storing and sharing research data. The Faculty of Humanities has its own Research Data Management Protocol.
From September 28, 2017, all researchers at UvA and AUAS have access to UvA/AUAS figshare: a system for safely storing, controlled sharing and publication of research data.
Research data may be stored in data repositories. These repositories can be used in two ways: for storing your own research data and for consulting the research data of other scholars.
NARCIS provides access to thousands of academic datasets and e-publications in the Netherlands.
There are (as yet) few discipline-specific datasets in the field of philosophy. Try searching by 'Arts and Humanities' if 'philosophy' gives no results.
Datasets on political philosophy are mostly found under social sciences.
For general questions about research data management, please contact RDM Support. For questions specific to philosophy, please contact the philosophy subject librarian.