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The Library of the University of Amsterdam and other university libraries encourage researchers to register via ORCID, a unique personal identifier to distinguish researchers. To boost the number of ORCID registrations, the UvA Library has held a quarterly lottery for UvA researchers over the past year. What an ISBN is to books and a DOI to articles, an ORCID is to researchers. With this identifier, as a researcher your research activities connect you to other researchers throughout your career.

ORCID iD Lottery 2021/2022

After creating an ORCID-iD, researchers could participate in the lottery with that ID number and win great prizes.
Meanwhile, 77% of all UvA researchers and users have got an ORCID-Id. This is an increase of 15% from the start of the campaign.
Of these researchers, 38% have linked their ORCID iD to Pure, the system for registering research results and publications. The lottery campaign actually increased this percentage by 169%! 

With this link, researchers can conveniently use the automatic search function to have Pure scan one or more online databases for academic publications that are linked to the ORCID in their Pure profile.

More information

You can read more about the benefits on the Library website. Here you will also find a video explaining ORCID.
You can register easily and quickly via the ORCID website. There are no costs involved.
For questions, please contact Nesru Koroso, information specialist and ORCID coordinator, UvA Library.

Copyright: Cameron Brick
I like that ORCID primarily serves researchers and institutions rather than profit: you can tell from interacting with the tools. I connected ORCID to Pure in order to reduce the administrative workload of keeping an up-to-date record of my output Cameron Brick, Assistant Professor, Social Psychology, FMG