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Import and organise references in Zotero and use them for citations and bibliographies in your Word texts. Workshop for students, lecturers and researchers of the University of Amsterdam.
Event details of Citing with Zotero
3 April 2023
11:00 -13:00
Organised by
Noor Breuning
Workshop Zotero at the University Library

Target group

Students, lecturers and researchers of the University of Amsterdam.

About this workshop

­Want to keep track of your references to secondary sources? Zotero is one of 3 citation managers supported by the UvA. With these citation managers, you collect relevant literature, and you easily insert citations and bibliographies.

Zotero is a good choice if you use a Mac computer and when you need to work with large amounts of references. If you use a citation style with citations in footnotes, Zotero is also a good fit.

This is an introductory workshop for new users of Zotero. After successful completion, you will be able to:

  • create and manage personal bibliographic databases;
  • save literature data in your own Zotero file;
  • use your personal Zotero file to ensure consistent literature references when writing publications; and
  • create groups to collaborate with others. 

Other citation managers include Mendeley and RefWorks. If you're having trouble deciding, check out the overview of pros and cons (PDF) of each citation tool.

The workshop consists of a demonstration and practical exercises.

Number of participants

Minimum of 7, maximum of 16.


This workshop will be conducted in English, unless all participants prefer Dutch.


These workshops are free of charge.


Roeterseiland REC A2.05