Smart Tools: Scival, Essential Science Indicators, Altmetric Explorer and UvA-view
Support tools can provide insights into important patterns and trends within research areas and can help you visualize data in smart ways to your benefit, helping you create evaluation reports, visualize your research performance for grant applications and annual evaluations, benchmark your performance against colleagues, and develop collaborations with peers or even companies.
You can measure the impact of your research in various ways:
The library of the UvA offers you access to three tools which can help you analyse the impact of your research at both the bibliometric and altmetrics level.
SciVal is a support tool which can provide insights into patterns and trends within research areas, helping you to visualize data in smart ways to your benefit.
Scival is only accessible within the UvA buildings (whit in the UvA IP domain, also available with VPN / pulse). You can access SciVal using your Elsevier account or simply create a new account if you do not have one yet (via the website of SciVal.)
The library can provide you with support if you need help using SciVal. If you would like to learn more about SciVal or have any feedback after using SciVal, please contact the field-specific information specialists who will be happy to help.
Please visit the the Scival website to access manuals on how to use SciVal.
ESI is a set of indicators that helps you identify top-performing research in Web of Science Core Collection. With ESI you can rank authors, institutions, countries, and journals in 22 broad fields based on publication and citation performance.
With in the UvA ip domain you can access ESI without the need of an account.
The library can provide you with support if you need help using Essential Science Indicators.
Please visit to access their support page on how to use Essential Science Indicators.
Essential Science Indicators consist of three parts: Field Baselines, Citation Thresholds, and indicators. You can select Thresholds, citation rates and top papers by research field for authors, journals, institutions and countries.
The Altmetric Explorer from is a tool to provide insight into an aspect of social impact. The social impact of research is in this case about the number of reports in the news, government publications (policy documents), patents, but also on blogs and social media, such as Facebook and Twitter. These alternative indicators measure the degree of social engagement. Altmetrics are available significantly faster than citation counts, because people can react to the research immediately after publication. Besides, there is no peer review.
Altmetric Explorer has a user-friendly dashboard which enables you to:
UvA view provides an overview of the publication landscape at the University of Amsterdam at various levels of the organisation, providing insight into the publication behaviour of UvA staff members.
Within UvA-view resources are linked, analysed, and visualized using state-of-the-art techniques. UvA-view covers data from Pure - the university’s research information system, Web of Science, Scopus, Narcis, Google Scholar, and the local library catalogue.