For some time now, the UvA has been using UvA/AUAS Figshare, a system for the safe storage, controlled sharing and publication of research data. This system is linked to Pure for registration purposes. In order to include more dataset records in Pure and make them visible, we have augmented the system with a link to Data Monitor.
Data Monitor is a database that contains metadata from datasets from a large number of scientific data repositories, including Zenodo, EASY, 4TU.ResearchData and Mendeley Data. It includes both domain-specific and more general repositories.
The University Library has now started using Data Monitor, meaning that this database is now also linked to the Pure registration system. As a result of this import link, metadata of datasets are automatically imported into Pure when a match is found.
Take a look at the frequently asked questions and the related answers. If you cannot find the answer to your question or need help, feel free to send an email to or contact your faculty’s Pure administrator.
The data in UvA-affiliated datasets in Data Monitor are imported and stored in Pure UvA. As Pure UvA imports these data, it automatically tries to link them to a UvA researcher in Pure UvA. Unfortunately, this does not always work. In such cases, the University Library validation team will try its best to link the data to a UvA researcher manually, enrich the data and validate the dataset.
No, the dataset itself is not imported from Data Monitor into Pure. Only the metadata of the dataset are imported, such as the title and the DOI to the dataset itself.
The import link between Data Monitor and Pure works fully automatically. Dataset records are imported automatically when a match is found. As these dataset records are then also registered automatically, researchers no longer need to register them themselves.
The University Library validation team will verify the dataset records and validate them if they are OK. Researchers are only expected to check the registration for mistakes, completeness and the right affiliations.
The University Library validation team will verify the dataset records and validate them if they are OK.
If you see any mistakes in a record or want to change or add affiliations, you can amend it. Once you have done so, the University Library validation team will be prompted to validate the record again (depending on which field you have amended). They will then assess the proposed changes.
Thanks to the import link between Data Monitor and Pure, datasets are not only imported automatically, but they may also be linked automatically to the relevant publication in Pure. This happens if:
If the dataset record is not automatically linked to the publication and you want to add a link, go to the Datasets tab in Pure, look up the relevant dataset and open the dataset record. Scroll down in the record to the heading Relations to other content. Use the heading Research output to add the relevant publication. NB: do not forget to click on the blue ‘Save’ button.
Once the link has been made, it will be visible on the employee’s page the next day. Once both records have been validated, the link will also appear on UvA-DARE.
If the dataset was not linked automatically, but the validation team managed to link a dataset to the Internal Person of a researcher in Pure manually, the UvA researcher will receive an email notification and a notification in Pure by default (under the heading ‘Notifications’) to the effect that Pure has added them to the dataset. This does not happen if the researcher turned off this option in their email notification settings or task list in Pure.
Yes. You can change the visibility by logging into the Personal Page Publication Selection tool at the bottom of the publication tab on your employee profile page.
Yes. Adding your ORCID iD and/or Scopus ID to Pure can improve the automated import of dataset records from Data Monitor into Pure. More matches will be found, so a dataset will be linked to you more often. NB: it can happen that no match is found even though you have added your ORCID iD and/or Scopus ID to your profile in Pure. This is because you must also have an ORCID iD and/or Scopus ID in Data Monitor for a match to be found.
To add your ORCID iD and/or Scopus ID to Pure or check whether it has already been added:
After a dataset record has been imported automatically from Data Monitor, it is assigned the workflow status For validation in Pure. This means that the dataset record is ready for verification and, once verified, validation in the task list of the University Library validation team. NB: more recent datasets are given priority over older ones in the validation process.
After validation, the dataset record is assigned the status Validated.
The validation team may move an imported dataset record back in the workflow from For validation to Entry in progress, for example because it is a non-UvA dataset or additional information is required. As non-UvA datasets are not validated, their status will remain Entry in progress (and they will be visible as such on your employee profile page).
If the validation team moves a record back to Entry in progress due to a lack of information, the relevant researcher will be prompted to supply additional information and change the status of the record to For validation.
This happens once a week.
As a result of the link with Data Monitor, Pure imports all dataset records published since 2016. Due to the huge volume of dataset records imported since the link was made, not all dataset records can be validated immediately. More recent datasets are given priority over older ones in the validation process.