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Drs. J.P.C. (Janneke) Staaks

Library of the UvA
Faculteitsbibliotheek FMG
Photographer: Janneke Staaks

Visiting address
  • Roetersstraat 11
Postal address
  • Postbus 19185
    1000 GD Amsterdam
  • Profile

    Subject Librarian Psychology, Child Development and Education

    Specialist Wetenschappelijke Informatie Psychologie, Pedagogiek en Onderwijskunde

  • About me

    How can I help you?

    If you have any question at all, feel free to ask. For example;

    • Library introduction for new employees
    • Search support for researchers (especially systematic reviews and meta-analyses).
    • Information literacy instruction (e.g. PsycINFO, ERIC, Medline/Pubmed, Web of Science).
    • Order new books for the library collection

    Previous activities
    September 2007 - June 2009 : Subject Librarian Psychology and Education at the University Library of the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.
    Next to collection development, I also participated in the project "Assessment of (online) Information Literacy courses and further intergration in the curricula"
    May 2008 - December 2008 : Clinical Librarian (I replaced a colleague who was on her maternal leave). Main tasks:
    - conduct searches (RCT, reviews etc.) for and with VUmc employees
    - assist during information literacy workshops (Pubmed, general and Reference Manager)
    - citation analysis
    2003 - 2007 : Phd student at the TU/e (Subdepartment: Human Technology Interaction). Description research: Within the field of decision making, choice behavior was studied while participants had to make a choice based on either personal experiences or statistical information.Part of the research concerned the role of trust while choosing between these types ofinformation.
    1997 - 2002 : Psychology at the University of Maastricht. Specialization in Cognitive Psychology (further specialisation in Cognitive Ergonomics)

  • Publications


    • Rienks, K., Salemink, E., Laas Sigurðardóttir, L. B., Melendez-Torres, G. J., Staaks, J. P. C., & Leijten, P. (2025). Supporting parents to reduce children's anxiety: A meta-analysis of interventions and their theoretical components. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 185, Article 104692.


    • Vermeulen-Oskam, E., Franklin, C., van 't Hof, L. P. M., Stams, G. J. J. M., van Vugt, E. S., Assink, M., Veltman, E. J., Froerer, A. S., Staaks, J. P. C., & Zhang, A. (2024). The current evidence of solution-focused brief therapy: A meta-analysis of psychosocial outcomes and moderating factors. Clinical Psychology Review, 114, Article 102512. [details]


    • Topor, M. K., Pickering, J. S., Barbosa Mendes, A., Bishop, D., Büttner, F., Elsherif, M. M., Evans, T. R., Henderson, E. L., Kalandadze, T., Nitschke, F. T., Staaks, J. P. C., van den Akker, O. R., Yeung, S. K., Zaneva, M., Lam, A., Madan, C. R., Moreau, D., O'Mahony, A., Parker, A. J., ... Westwood, S. (2023). An integrative framework for planning and conducting Non-Intervention, Reproducible, and Open Systematic Reviews (NIRO-SR). Meta-Psychology, 7. [details]
    • Wesarg-Menzel, C., Ebbes, R., Hensums, M., Wagemaker, E., Zaharieva, M. S., Staaks, J. P. C., van den Akker, A. L., Visser, I., Hoeve, M., Brummelman, E., Dekkers, T. J., Schuitema, J. A., Larsen, H., Colonnesi, C., Jansen, B. R. J., Overbeek, G., Huizenga, H. M., & Wiers, R. W. (2023). Development and socialization of self-regulation from infancy to adolescence: A meta-review differentiating between self-regulatory abilities, goals, and motivation. Developmental Review, 69, Article 101090. [details]




    • Weeland, J., Moens, M. A., Beute, F., Assink, M., Staaks, J. P. C., & Overbeek, G. (2019). A dose of nature: Two three-level meta-analyses of the beneficial effects of exposure to nature on children's self-regulation. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 65, Article 101326. Advance online publication. [details]


    • Wittenberg, Y., Kwekkeboom, R., Staaks, J., Verhoeff, A., & de Boer, A. (2018). Informal caregivers’ views on the division of responsibilities between themselves and professionals: A scoping review. Health & Social Care in the Community, 26(4), e460-e473. Advance online publication. [details]


    • West, E., Stuckelberger, A., Pautex, S., Staaks, J., & Gysels, M. (2017). Operationalising ethical challenges in dementia research: a systematic review of current evidence. Age and Ageing, 46(4), 678-687. Advance online publication. [details]
    • de Bruin, E. J., van Run, C., Staaks, J., & Meijer, A. M. (2017). Effects of sleep manipulation on cognitive functioning of adolescents: a systematic review. Sleep Medicine Reviews, 32, 45-57. Advance online publication. [details]



    • Rienks, K., Leijten, P., Laas Sigurðardóttir, L. B., Staaks, J. P. C., & Salemink, E. (2023). Supporting Parents to Reduce Child Anxiety: A Meta-Analysis of Programs and their Key Components. Paper presented at European Conference on Developmental Psychology, Turku, Finland.


    • Moens, M. A., Weeland, J., Beute, F., Assink, M., Staaks, J. P. C., & Overbeek, G. J. (2019). Nurturing nurture? Two three-level meta-analyses of the beneficial effects of exposure to nature on children’s self-regulation. Poster session presented at Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD) 2019, Baltimore, United States.
    This list of publications is extracted from the UvA-Current Research Information System. Questions? Ask the library or the Pure staff of your faculty / institute. Log in to Pure to edit your publications. Log in to Personal Page Publication Selection tool to manage the visibility of your publications on this list.
  • Ancillary activities
    • No ancillary activities