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List of law journals

This journal list is by no means complete but is intended to supplement the journals mentioned in the research guides. Refer to About this list at the bottom of the page for more information.

  • Competition Law

    Common Market Law Review
    Contains articles, annotated case law, book reviews on European Union Law topics such as euro crisis, state aid and policy, internal market, protection fundamental rights, consumer protection and European Union Law in National Courts.

    Competition Law Review
    Contains articles, comments on case law, book reviews on specific themes in Competition Law. Focus in each issue is on the theme in the preceded workshop.

    European Competition Journal
    Contains scholarly articles relating to European competition law and economics, such as vertical and Conglomerate Mergers, Enlargement of the Union - the ramifications for Competition Policy, Unilateral and Coordinated Effects in Merger Control, Modernisation of European Competition law.

    European Competition Law Review
    Contains articles with analysis on important cases and legislative developments on Antitrust and related trade regulation issues in the European Union (E.U.), its member states, and in major E.U. trading nations such as the U.S., Australia, and Japan.

    Journal of Antitrust Enforcement
    Provides a platform for leading scholarship on public and private competition law enforcement, at both domestic and international levels.

    Journal of Competition Law and Economics
    Contains articles on competition law and policy and analysis developments in the U.S. and the EU, as well as regional and national. Publishes also economic papers relevant to legal theory and practice.

    Journal of European Competition Law and Practice  
    Contains substantive competition law topics, also issues in fields related to competition law, such as intellectual property, commercial law and EU law and practice-related matters such as litigation and enforcement.

    Markt & Mededinging
    Behandelt het nationale mededingingsrecht en bevat relevante geannoteerde Europese en Nederlandse rechtspraak en besluitvorming.

    World competition
    Examines all aspects of competition policy from, primarily, a legal perspective, but also from an economic point of view. Also forum for discussions on several topics, such as collective dominance, and the implementation of a system of international competition.

  • Constitutional and Administrative Law

    Revue d’analyse et de veille juridiques suivant l'évolution du droit des administrations publiques et de leurs administrés. Contient études sur un problème de droit pratique ou théorique, des dossiers consacrés aux grandes questions du droit administratif, une analyse de la jurisprudence récente et le commentaire de décisions de justice.

    Asiel & Migrantenrecht
    Bevat artikelen, besprekingen van belangwekkende jurisprudentie, interviews en beleidsoverzichten op het gebied van zowel het reguliere migratierecht als het vluchtelingenrecht.

    European Journal of Migration and Law
    Quarterly journal on migration law and policy with specific emphasis on the European Union, the Council of Europe and migration activities within the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe.

    De Gemeentestem
    Praktijkgericht tijdschrift, bevat artikelen op gebied van gemeenterecht, bestuurs- en bestuursprocesrecht, bijzonder bestuursrecht en EG-recht. Tevens actuele geannoteerde jurisprudentie.

    International Journal of Constitutional Law
    Journal on international and comparative constitutional law. Contains scholarly articles and analysis from international legal scholars as well as from people from related fields, such as economics, philosophy and political science.

    Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Bestuursrecht (NTB)
    Bevat artikelen waarin belangrijkste ontwikkelingen van bestuurs- en bestuursprocesrecht worden belicht. Ook praktijkgerichte bijdragen en kronieken over het EG-bestuursrecht.

    Die Öffenlichte Verwaltung (DOV)
    Schwerpunkt auf wissenschaftliche Erörterungen grundlegender und aktueller öffentlich-rechtlicher sowie verwaltungswissenschaftlicher Fragen. Berücksichtigung finden auch Themen der europäischen und internationalen Ebene sowie interdisziplinäre Beiträge. Auch Buchbesprechungen und Leitsätze.

    Recueil Lebon-Recueil des décisions du Conseil D’Etat
    Le recueil des décisions du Conseil d'Etat, statuant au contentieux, et du Tribunal des conflits, des arrêts des cours administratives d'appel et des jugements des tribunaux administratifs.

    Tijdschrift waarin wetgeving op verschillende manieren wordt benaderd.  Biedt forum voor uitwisseling van informatie, ervaring en ideeën tussen praktijkjuristen, wetgevingsambtenaren en wetenschappers. Doel: discussie over juridische, politicologische of sociologische benadering van functie en kwaliteit van wetgeving, te bevorderen.

    SC: wetten en regels verklaard
    Bevat informatie over (de totstandkoming van) wet- en regelgeving (w.o. officiële publicaties en Europese richtlijnen en verordeningen) en de praktische consequenties hiervan.

    Trema; Tijdschrift voor de rechterlijke macht
    Bevat artikelen en opinies op het gebied van rechtspleging, ook aandacht voor wetgeving, jurisprudentie en onderzoek over rechterlijke organisatie en beleid en procesrecht.

    TVCR: Tijdschrift voor constitutioneel recht
    Bevat artikelen, boekbesprekingen en commentaren op wetsvoorstellen, op gebied van constitutioneel recht. Biedt podium voor bijdragen over grondrechten, Europees en internationaal constitutioneel recht, politiek staatsrecht, wetgeving, rechterlijke organisatie en rechtsbescherming, koninkrijksrelaties en decentralisatie. Ook aandacht voor relevante constitutionele ontwikkelingen in diverse andere landen.

  • Criminal Law

    Emphasis on empirical research and scientific methodology on the field of criminology and deviant behaviour. Other disciplines covered are sociology, psychology, design, system analysis and decision theory. Also book reviews.

    Delikt en Delinkwent
    Bevat artikelen, boekbesprekingen, jurisprudentievermeldingen, en  rubriek rechtspraak. Ook rubrieken met diverse onderwerpen,  o.a. wetgeving, advocatuur, politie, behandelen en straffen, straftoemeting, jeugdrecht, jeugdbescherming etc. , afhankelijk van de actualiteit.

    European Journal of Crime, Criminal Law and Criminal Justice
    Contains articles considered from an international and comparative perspective on crime, criminal law and criminal justice in Europe.

    European Journal of Criminology
    Contains international and comparative articles and research papers on criminology. Each issue includes a country-survey with facts about its criminal justice system. Spots/observes trends in crime and punishment.

    Expertise en recht
    Bevat artikelen met onderwerpen als geldigheid van technisch en wetenschappelijk bewijs, kwaliteitsbewaking, de rol van expertise in de rechtsgang, presentatie van deskundigen, Bayesiaanse statistiek, wijze van redeneren (deductief/inductief) en interpretatie DNA-rapportage. Ook jurisprudentie (civiel recht en strafrecht).

    International Criminal Justice Review
    Contains articles, research notes and book reviews on topics such as international/comparative criminology and criminal justices, environmental criminology, immigration and crime, drugs/alcohol crime, ethnography and methodological innovations.

    International Criminal Law Review
    Contains articles on substantive and procedural law on the international level, case law and historical, criminal and sociological research.

    Journal of International Criminal Justice
    Contains articles on law, jurisprudence, criminology, penal philosophy, and the history of international judicial institutions.

    Law and Practice of International Criminal Courts and Tribunals
    Contains latest developments on the preparation, adoption, suspension, amendment and revision of rules of Procedure as well as statutory and internal rules and other related matters. Also judgments, advisory opinions, written and oral pleadings as well as legal literature.

    Nieuwsbrief Strafrecht
    Bevat artikelen over recente ontwikkelingen en actuele informatie over wetgeving, beleid en jurisprudentie op het gebied van Strafrecht.

    Praktijkgericht tijdschrift bevat informatie en artikelen over nieuwe ontwikkelingen op het gebied van misdaad, veiligheid, berechting en straf.

    Revue International de droit pénal
    Associant les perspectives internationales et comparatives, la RIDP couvre la théorie générale et la philosophie pénale, le droit pénal général, le droit pénal spécialisé, la procédure pénale et le droit pénal international.

    Sancties: Tijdschrift over straffen en maatregelen
    Bevat artikelen over strafrechtelijke sancties vanuit diverse perspectieven: sanctierecht nationaal en internationaal, criminologie, psychologie en psychiatrie, beleid en praktijk. Ook geannoteerde penitentiaire rechtspraak, overzicht van relevante regelgeving en boekbesprekingen.

    Bevat praktijkgerichte artikelen en commentaren op recent verschenen jurisprudentie en wet- en regelgeving.

    Tijdschrift voor criminologie
    Tijdschrift biedt podium voor wetenschappelijke en onafhankelijke bestudering van problemen rond criminaliteit, straf en (on)veiligheid. Bevat artikelen m.b.t. evaluaties van onderzoeksmethoden en theoretische ontwikkelingen op het gebied van criminologie. Ook besprekingen van proefschriften en oraties.

    Zeitschrift für die gesamte strafrechtswissenschaft
    Der Inlandsteil enthält  Abhandlungen zu Fragen der Strafrechtsdogmatik, der Kriminalpolitik, des Strafprozessrechts, der Strafrechtsgeschichte, der Rechtsphilosophie und der Kriminologie. Neue Rechtsentwicklungen werden im Überblick dargestellt und gewürdigt, und strafrechtliche Fragen im Lichte der Nachbarwissenschaften betrachtet. Deutsche Sachkenner und ausländische Autoren tragen berichtende und vergleichende Aufsätze zu Reformen und zur wissenschaftlichen Diskussion im europäischen und außereuropäischen Ausland sowie zum internationalen Strafrecht bei.

    Zeistchrift für internationale Strafrechtdogmatik
    Contains academic essays - in German but also in other languages - dealing with German and international criminal law as well as criminal procedure law and the “Europeanization of Criminal Law”, as well as comments on judgement and literature reviews.

  • Economic Law

    American Law and Economics Review
    Contains articles and papers dealing with a wide variety of topics concerning the interrelation of law and economics.

    European Business Organization Law Review
    Articles on topics such as the enactment of corporate laws, the theory of the firm, the theory of capital markets and related legal topics.

    European Journal of Law and Economics
    Contains articles and papers discussing the institutional (and) legal prerequisites for efficient market operation both in the European Community and in the new European market economies. Also publications of literature surveys, review articles, and book reviews and notes.

    International Review of Law and Economics
    Contains theoretical and empirical papers on comparative law and economics, globalization and legal harmonization, and the emergence of legal institutions, in addition to more traditional legal topics.

    Journal of international and economic law
    Contains articles on a broad range of subjects that concern the relation of law to international economic activity, provides critiques of policies, negotiations, or court and tribunal cases.

    Journal of Law and Economics
    Publishes research on a broad range of topics including the economic analysis of regulation and the behaviour of regulated firms, the political economy of legislation and legislative processes, law and finance, corporate finance and governance, and industrial organization.

    Journal of Law, Economics and Organization
    Journal that includes scholarship drawing on political science, psychology and sociology, among other fields. It also holds the study of institutions - especially economic, legal, and political institutions.

    Review of Law and Economics
    Contains theoretical and empirical interdisciplinary research in law and economics-related subjects. Explores the various understandings that economic approaches shed on legal institutions. It specializes in the application to legal issues of insights developed in economic disciplines.

    Supreme Court Economic Review
    Supreme Court Economic Review is an interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed series focusing on the economic consequences, precedents, and reasoning behind  United States Supreme Court decisions.

  • Environmental Law

    Climate law
    The focus of the peer-reviewed journal Climate Law is on the many legal issues that arise internationally and at the state level as climate law continues to evolve.

    Energy Law Journal
    Journal containing articles by practitioners,  academics, Federal judges,  government officials and members of FERC. Also a list of court opinions and other published legal materials citing articles appearing in the Journal.

    Environmental policy & law
    Articles on all aspects of environmental law, including sustainable development. Contains also the activities of the United Nations and its specialized agencies and publishes selected documents, which are not easily accessible, such as resolutions from non-public meetings of parliamentarians, guidelines or draft conventions not yet published or newly concluded agreements.

    Journal of Environment Law
    Contains articles reflecting a range of different disciplinary perspectives in relation to the study of environmental law. Also analysis and book reviews.

    Milieu & Recht
    Bevat artikelen, jurisprudentie en volgt actuele ontwikkelingen op het raakvlak tussen milieu en de rechtspraktijk.

    Pace environmental law review
    Contains articles, scholarly commentary and analysis on the field of environmental law issues.

    Tijdschrift gezondheidsschade, milieuschade en aansprakelijkheidsrecht (TGMA)
    Bevat privaat- en publiekrechtelijke uitspraken en wetgeving op het gebied van milieuschade en aansprakelijkheidsrecht. Ook signalering nieuwe ontwikkelingen in rechtspraak en wetgeving.

    Tijdschrift voor omgevingsrecht
    Bevat artikelen op het gebied van milieu, ruimtelijke ordening, bouwen, water, infrastructuur en natuur. Nadruk ligt op raakvlakken tussen de verschillende deelterreinen.

  • European Law

    Columbia Journal of European Law
    Contains articles on EU law, and law at national or regional level. With jurisprudential questions relevant to the development of law and legal institutions in Europe. Includes also comparative articles that are relevant to the U.S.

    Common Market Law Review
    Contains articles on topics such as EMU and euro crisis. State aid policy and practice, Internal market, Protection of fundamental rights,  EU/WTO relationship, telecommunications and E-commerce, European consumer protection, European Union Law in national courts. Also book reviews.

    European Constitutional Law Review
    Platform for the study of European constitutional law, its history and its evolution. Contains articles on doctrine, theory and practice, plus case notes and book reviews.

    European Law Journal
    Journal with focus on both supranational law (European Union law, the law of the European Convention of Human Rights), transnational law and the national laws of European states from a comparative perspective.

    European Law Review
    Contains articles on legal developments in the EU, member states of the EU and the Council of Europe.  Includes also reports of new case law and commentary on EU legislation.

    European Public Law
    Forum for discussion of issues in the development of public law in a European context. Contains articles on subject areas such as  European Union Law, European Convention on Human Rights Law, Public law of European States and jurisdictions which have been influenced by European legal systems and comparative Public law.

    German Law Journal
    Journal on transnational law. Contains articles on developments in German law, European law, international law, and comparative law. Also a forum for cross-disciplinary and inter-disciplinary research, which often takes a thematic approach.

    Journal of common market studies
    Contains articles on the latest European integration issues. Each year a special issue is published, giving a comprehensive review of the activities of the European Union in the previous year.

    Journal of European Public Policy
    Contains analytical, theoretical and methodological articles on the field of European public policy.

    Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Europees Recht
    Bevat actuele juridische informatie m.b.t. het Europese recht en de Nederlandse rechtspraktijk  en maakt deze toegankelijk, voor juristen  werkzaam op zowel Nederlands als Europees niveau.

    Review of European Administrative Law
    Contains articles on all aspects of European administrative law, reflecting the role of the European Union, in addition to the role of domestic legal orders.

    SEW, Tijdschrift voor Europees en economisch recht
    Bevat artikelen, kronieken, en een selectie (geannoteerde) Europese, Nederlandse en Belgische uitspraken op verschillende rechtsgebieden, voor zover economisch van belang.

    West European Politics
    Contains (research) articles, manuscripts, comments and book reviews on political and social issues in all West European countries, including the European Union.

  • Financial Law

    Brill Research Perspectives in International Banking and Securities Law
    Focus on regional developments relating to banking and finance, multilateral and international arrangements. Also studies and analysis of the international financial architecture, aspects of market infrastructure, protection of consumers in the financial sector, and specifics of banking, securities markets, and mutual fund regulation.

    Capital Markets Law Journal
    Contains articles and analysis on all of the fields of capital markets practice: debt; equity; derivatives; high yield products; repackaging; and securitisation.

    European Business Organization Law Review
    Platform for articles, case-notes and book reviews on a range of problems relevant to business activities and the corresponding national, European Union and international legal rules.

    European company and financial law review
    Review provides materials on all areas of European company law and the financing of companies and business entities. Including the law of capital markets, law of accounting and company law-related issues of insolvency law. Contains articles and case notes on European and national courts so far as they have implications on European company law.

    Financial Markets, institutions, and instruments
    Contains articles and materials on developments in money and banking, derivative securities, corporate finance, and fixed-income securities. Each issue is devoted to a single topic, which is examined in-depth, and a special fifth issue is published annually.

    Fordham Journal of Corporate & Financial Law
    Journal with articles, essays, notes, and comments, on issues arising in banking, bankruptcy, corporate governance, capital markets, finance, mergers and acquisitions, securities, and tax practices.

    International Insolvency Review
    Contains scholarly articles, case comments, book reviews and notices on issues and developments in the field of insolvency, viewed in an international perspective.

    Journal of Corporate Law Studies
    International forum for thorough analysis of corporate, securities and financial law. Contains materials among others on insolvency law, commercial conflict of laws, directors' duties and financial regulation.

    Journal of Corporation Law
    Publication contains articles examining subjects of current importance to businesses, scholars, and the practising bar. The emphasis is placed on publishing material suitable for practising lawyers.

    Journal of Financial Regulation
    International forum for the publication of articles examining theoretical, policy and practice-oriented issues relating to the regulation of financial markets and institutions, from an interdisciplinary, international, and comparative perspective.

    Journal of Law, Economics, & Organization
    Journal that includes scholarship drawing on political science, psychology and sociology, among other fields. It also holds the study of institutions - especially economic, legal, and political institutions.

    Review of Law and Economics
    Contains articles and theoretical and empirical interdisciplinary research in law and economics-related subjects.

  • General

    Bevat juridische analyses, achtergronden en nieuws over rechtsontwikkelingen die voor advocaten van belang zijn.

    Ars Aequi  
    Bevat artikelen en geannoteerde arresten van auteurs uit wetenschap en praktijk. Nieuwe wetgeving wordt besproken door juristen, werkzaam bij het ministerie van Justitie.

    Columbia Law Review
    Review edited and published by students at the Columbia Law School. Contains scholarly articles, essays and student notes on all fields of law.

    Harvard Law Review
    Contains articles by professors, judges and practitioners and reviews from important recent books by recognized experts.

    Die zeitung greift in Aufsätzen namhafter Autoren grundlegende Fragestellungen und aktuelle Entwicklungen in Rechtswissenschaft und -praxis auf und informiert über die höchstrichterliche Rechtsprechung und erleichtert mit ihren Anmerkungen die Einordnung von wichtigen neuen Entscheidungen.

    Law Quarterly Review
    Articles provide critical analysis of a broad range of legal issues. Also a legal platform for scholarly legal debate in the UK and throughout the common law world.

    Nederlands Juristenblad
    Uitgave voor juristen, waarin aandacht voor nieuwe wetgeving, rechtspraak, nieuws en literatuur. Biedt ook platform voor actuele juridische discussies.

    Nieuw Juridisch Weekblad
    Bevat actuele informatie m.b.t. wetgeving,  rechtspraak, boekbesprekingen en biedt een overzicht van literatuur die verschijnt in andere juridische tijdschriften.

    Oxford Journal of Legal Studies
    Contains articles in all topics of law e.g. comparative and international law, law of the European Community, legal history and philosophy and with emphasis on theory. Also issues arising from the relationship of law to other disciplines.

    Rechtsgeleerd Magazijn Themis
    Bevat wetenschappelijke artikelen, juridische stellingen, en analyses van- en commentaar bij juridische dissertaties. Ook redactionele noten bij actuele zaken.

    Rechtskundig weekblad
    Bevat juridische actualiteiten, commentaar op nieuwe wetgeving en geannoteerde rechterlijke uitspraken op nagenoeg alle rechtstakken.

    Recueil Dalloz
    Contient actualité législative, jurisprudentielle et générale, articles, l’évolution du droit, arrêt de la semaine commenté, résumés d’arrêts et jurisprudence de la Cour de cassation.

    Stanford Law Review   
    General-interest academic legal journal. Contains articles and notes, written by student members of the Law Review, other Stanford law students, and law professors, judges and practising lawyers.

    Yale Law Journal
    Contains scholarly articles essays and book reviews on all fields of law and legal studies.

  • Health Law

    American Journal of Law & Medicine
    Contains articles on health law and policy; recent information on legal decisions and developments affecting health care; legal, ethical and economic aspects of medical practice, research and education; and book reviews.

    European Journal of Health Law
    Each issue contains articles (with abstracts), selected legislation, judicial decisions, a chronicle of events, and book reviews. Focus on the development of health law in Europe: national, comparative and international.

    Letsel & Schade
    Artikelen, rechterlijke uitspraken en soms ook medische rapporten vormen de inhoud van het  tijdschrift. Biedt relevante informatie over ontwikkelingen in het recht, voor slachtoffers van personenschade.

    Medical Law Review
    Review contains articles with analyses and comment on topical issues to this area of law.
    Also attention on UK law, including case reports and legislation summaries followed by analytical interpretation as well as medico-legal developments in the USA, the Commonwealth, and Europe.

    Medicine and Law
    Contains articles, court decisions, and legislation on amongst others medical Law, forensic medicine, sexology and law, psychiatry and law, psychology and law etc.

    Medisch contact  
    Biedt opinie- en onderzoeksartikelen voor beleidsmakers, onderzoekers, artsen en andere betrokkenen bij de gezondheidszorg. Ook commentaren bij tuchtrechtelijke uitspraken.

    Tijdschrift voor Gezondheidsrecht
    Bevat wetenschappelijke en opiniërende artikelen over gezondheidsrecht. Ook visie op actuele thema's, nieuwe wetsvoorstellen en recente jurisprudentie, alsmede rubriek kroniek rechtspraak en boekbesprekingen.

    Tijdschrift voor vergoeding personenschade
    Tijdschrift, multidisciplinair van opzet, biedt ruimte voor de juridische invalshoek, maar ook voor andere bij de schaderegeling betrokken disciplines, zoals arbeidsdeskundigen, schaderegelaars, verzekeringsdeskundigen en artsen.

  • History of Law

    American Journal of Legal History
    Contains articles, essays, and book reviews on all aspects of legal history.

    Forum for exchanges concerning the philosophical, ethical and legal fundamentals of the search for an international order.

    Journal of Legal History
    Journal concerned solely with legal history. Contains articles in English on sources and development of common law, in the British Isles and overseas, on the history of the laws of Ireland, Scotland, and Wales, and on Roman Law and the European legal tradition.

    Journal of the History of International Law
    Contains articles, essays and comments on the history of international law, including private international law. Also a forum for debates and a plurality of visions on this field.

    Law and History Review
    Articles, essays and commentaries on American, European and ancient legal history. Also book reviews.

    Legal History Review
    Contains articles on the foundations of the western legal tradition; covers modern, contemporary and medieval history, Roman law and its later development, canon law and the history of the English Common Law.

    Pro memorie
    Bevat artikelen, kronieken, mededelingen, opiniërende stukken en recensies, op het gebied van Oud Vaderlands Recht.

    Zeitschrift für Rechtsgeschichte
    Forum for scholarship on all branches of legal history. Covers the full width of the discipline with a focus on the legal histories of non-Western societies.

    Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung fur Rechtsgeschichte
    Mit Beiträge auf die verschiedenen Rechtskreise des antiken Mittelmeerraumes – insb. den sumerischen, den griechischen und den römischen –, deren historische Strahlkraft in Richtung Europa und Kleinasien sowie die Rezeption bzw. Auseinandersetzung in den modernen Rechtsordnungen der ganzen Welt.

    Zeitschrift für neuere Rechtsgeschichte
    Wissenschaftlichen Behandlung und kritischen Analyse der Rechtsentwicklung ins besondere auf den Gebieten des Privat-, Verfassungs-, Verwaltungs- und Strafrechts sowie der Verfahrensrechte vor allem in der neueren Zeit. Die Zeitschrift macht den Gegenwartsbezug der Rechtsgeschichte deutlich und gibt der Methodendiskussion Raum.

  • Human Rights Law

    Columbia Human Rights Law Review
    Contains scholarly articles, notes and commentary covering domestic and international human rights issues.

    European Human Rights Law Review
    Contains articles and materials on European human rights law. Also provides a forum for debate on the European Convention of Human Rights.

    Harvard Human Rights Journal
    Contains scholarly works on human rights issues of contemporary relevance, and in the past has featured pieces on subjects as refugee asylum law, female prisoner's rights, rights of child soldiers, oil and the role of the World Bank, detention, rendition, and domestic violence.

    Human Rights and International Legal discourse
    Focus on the interaction of human rights law with specific domains of international law, including international development law, international environmental law, international criminal law, international labour law, and international trade law.

    Human Rights Law Review
    Contains articles that consider human rights in various contexts, from global to national levels, book reviews, and analysis of recent jurisprudence and practice of the UN and regional human rights systems.

    Human Rights Quarterly
    Contains materials on important developments within the United Nations and regional human rights organizations, both governmental and non-governmental.

    Inter-American and European Human Rights Journal  
    Contains articles on topics on human rights that are relevant for  Europe and (Latin) America. Also a platform for research and a place of exchange of ideas and views between academic scholars and practitioners in the field of human rights.

    International Journal of Human Rights
    Contains articles on a broad spectrum of human rights issues, also publishes articles on human rights aspects such as genocide, torture, capital punishment and the laws of war and war crimes.

    International journal of refugee law
    Contains articles on issues such as forced migration, analysis of refugee law jurisprudence and State practice, and scholarship on the history and evolution of refugee law. Also summaries of cases and documents relating to international protection.

    Netherlands Quarterly of Human Rights
    Contains multidisciplinary articles on human rights issues from an international perspective. Also recent speeches and lectures on the topic of human rights, and a section on new books and articles in this field.

    Bevat artikelen, jurisprudentie, kronieken en opinies over actuele mensenrechtelijke vraagstukken. Ook verslagen van seminars en de jaarverslagen van de Vereniging NJCM.

    Refugee Survey Quarterly
    Contains articles that cover various areas from a policy and/or multidisciplinary perspective, including governance of migration, sociology of forced migration, the changing pattern and the historical evolution of the refugee regime or contemporary challenges of international protection, such as those raised by mixed migration, climate change, or post-conflict peace-building.

  • Intellectual Property and Information Law

    AMI: tijdschrift voor auteurs-, media- & informatierecht
    Bevat artikelen m.b.t. auteursrecht en aanverwante onderwerpen. Ook commentaren, (geannoteerde) jurisprudentie, boekbesprekingen, nieuws en andere informatie.

    BMM Bulletin
    Bevat artikelen en rubrieken op het gebied van Merken- en Modellenrecht.

    Bevat artikelen over beslechting van automatiseringsgeschillen, eigendomsrecht van software, gegevensbescherming, computercriminaliteit en chip bescherming. Ook rechtspraak en (boek)besprekingen  m.b.t. ontwikkelingen op het gebied van juridische programmatuur.

    Dalloz IP/IT
    Propose une approche pluridisciplinaire de l'actualité IP / IT: propriété littéraire et artistique, propriété industrielle et droit du numérique. Comprend l'analyse des textes et de la jurisprudence par des praticiens et spécialistes.

    European Intellectual Property Review
    Contains articles on intellectual property issues, analysis of relevant court decisions, legislation and regulation in the UK and EU, also news from WIPO.

    GRUR International (Gewerblicher Rechtsschutz und Urheberrecht, Internationaler Teil)
    Contains academic contributions on issues of foreign, European and international intellectual property law as well as significant case law and legislative material.

    Intellectuele Eigendom en Reclamerecht
    Informatie, jurisprudentie en opiniërende artikelen over auteursrecht, merkenrecht, octrooirecht, modellenrecht, kwekersrecht, handelsnaamrecht, onrechtmatige publicatie, recht inzake misleidende reclame, mededingingsrecht en reclamerecht.

    International Data Privacy Law     
    Contains articles on major points of privacy and data protection law and comment pieces on specific cases or legislative developments. Also book reviews.

    International Review of Intellectual Property and Competition Law  
    Contains articles, case-law, information and documentary material in the fields of patent, copyright, design and trademark law.  Also reports on legislative proposals, international conventions and the harmonisation of laws in the European Union and other groups of nations.

    Journal of World Intellectual Property
    Contains articles on antitrust and IP rights, encryption, security and privacy in electronic commerce, patents and the copyright exhaustion doctrine in relation to questions on trade and investment. Focus on WTO and TRIPS.

    Bevat artikelen, opinies, annotaties, boekbesprekingen op het gebied van media- en communicatierecht.

    Privacy & Informatie
    Bevat artikelen m.b.t. privacy en gegevensbescherming op alle rechtsgebieden, de relatie tussen wetgeving en ICT, open data toepassing van nieuwe technologieën  zoals apps, biometrie, de cloud en outsourcing. Ook boekbesprekingen en Nederlandse en Belgische actualiteiten.

    Tijdschrift voor Internetrecht
    Bevat praktijkgerichte en wetenschappelijke artikelen en opinies over uiteenlopende aspecten van internetrecht. Ook geannoteerde uitspraken en signalering en bespreking van nieuwe nationale en internationale wetgeving.

  • Labour and Social Security Law

    Praktijkgericht maandblad, waarbij ook, waar relevant, sociaalverzekeringsrechtelijke en fiscale aspecten aan de orde komen.

    Arbeidsrechtelijke Annotaties
    Tijdschrift bevat wetenschappelijk artikel en (soms rechtsvergelijkend), annotaties bij de belangrijkste uitspraken van die maand.

    Dossier Arbeid & Recht
    Nieuwsbrief met aandacht voor juridische aspecten van arbeidsovereenkomsten, samenvatting van kernpunten uit jurisprudentie, beleidsvoornemens, wetsvoorstellen en –wijzigingen. Specials over actuele thema’s op het gebied van arbeidsrecht.

    Droit Social
    Contient des études traitées en profondeur par des spécialistes du droit social, des dossiers sur des sujets actuels et capitaux et des analyses et commentaires de l’actualité jurisprudentielle récente rendue en matière de droit du travail et en droit de la protection sociale.

    European Journal of Social Security
    Contains developments in social security on a comparative basis on EU level, and in different EU countries. Also includes articles on different forms of income maintenance, demography, poverty, disability, health and social care etc.

    European Labour Law Journal
    Contains labour law at EU level as well as labour law in the Member States. Also focus on developments in labour law at a global level taking into account its relevance for Europe.
    Special attention to developments of policy, legislation, case law and academic doctrine.

    Industrial Law Journal
    Provides comment and in-depth analysis on a wide range of topics relating to employment law. Contains also commentary on relevant government publications and reviews of books relating to labour law.

    International Journal of Comparative Labour Law and Industrial Relations
    Articles on labour law and industrial relations cover comparative (or regional) analysis of topical issues, developments, and innovative practices. Contains also discussions of theoretical and methodological approaches.

    International Labour Review
    Contains articles in the fields of interest of the ILO; employment and labour markets, training and skills development, social security and social protection, labour law and labour institutions, rights at work and social dialogue.

    Tijdschrift voor Ambtenarenrecht
    Bevat jurisprudentie van o.a. Ambtenarengerechten, Centrale Raad van Beroep en de Civiele Rechter. Belangrijkste uitspraken zijn voorzien van annotaties en aanvullende achtergrondinformatie b.v. over de gevolgen voor de rechtsontwikkeling.

    Tijdschrift voor Arbeid & Onderneming
    Bevat artikelen over recente ontwikkelingen op het gebied van arbeidsrecht, ondernemingsrecht en medezeggenschapsrecht. Ook geannoteerde rechtspraak eerdergenoemde vakgebieden.

    Tijdschrift Arbeidsrechtpraktijk
    Praktijkgericht tijdschrift signaleert ontwikkelingen op deelgebieden van arbeidsrecht, o.a. op wet- en regelgeving, jurisprudentie en literatuur. Bevat tevens verdiepende achtergrondartikelen.

    Tijdschrift voor Pensioenvraagstukken
    Tijdschrift behandelt juridische, fiscale en actuariële vraagstukken rondom wettelijke, particuliere aanvullende en ambtenarenpensioenen vanuit praktijk-wetenschappelijke invalshoek. Mogelijkheid attendering op nieuwe Europese regelgeving en rechtspraak.

    Tijdschrift voor Recht en Arbeid
    Forum voor Arbeidsrecht. Biedt verdiepende achtergrondinformatie, praktijkgerichte, opiniërende en feitelijke informatie op gebied van arbeidsovereenkomsten- en ontslagrecht, socialezekerheidsrecht, Europees recht en medezeggenschapsrecht.

  • Philosophy and Theory of Law

    Archiv fur Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie
    Contains articles on philosophical research on legal and social questions, covering all aspects of social and legal life.

    Law and Philosophy
    Contains articles on subjects such as Humanities, Law, Philosophy, and analysis on philosophical methods and principles.

    Legal Theory
    Articles from a wide range of related disciplines in the humanities and social sciences, including philosophy, political science, economics, history and sociology. Fall issues contain topics of analytical and normative jurisprudence, doctrinal theory, policy analyses of legal doctrines and critical theories of law.

    Oxford Journal of Legal Studies
    Contains articles of legal interest in the following areas: comparative and international law, the law of the European Community, legal history and philosophy, and interdisciplinary material.

    Ratio Iuris
    Contains articles on classical topics e.g. the nature of law; law and morality; justice; rightness and natural law; law and reason; the logic of norms; artificial intelligence and law; law and language; legal obligation; rights validity and the legitimacy of law; the rule of law; legal epistemology, etc.

    Recht der werkelijkheid
    Interdisciplinair platform voor reflectie op het gebied van de rechtssociologie, rechtsantropologie, bestuurskunde, rechtseconomie en rechtspsychologie. Met focus op vernieuwende empirisch-theoretische bijdragen over maatschappelijke ontwikkelingen en huidige betekenis van het recht.

    Contains articles on Logic and Legal Methodology, General Legal Theory and Theory of the State, Communicative, Normative Theory and Theory of Action, Legal Sociology and Philosophy.

    Social & Legal Studies
    International journal, publishing progressive, interdisciplinary and critical approaches to socio-legal study.

  • Private Law

    Aansprakelijkheid, Verzekering & Schade
    Bevat artikelen op het gebied van schadevergoedingsrecht, verzekeringsrecht en personenschade. Ook commentaren op rechtspraak en wet- en regelgeving en boekbesprekingen.

    Journal of private international law
    Contains articles and analysis of current developments in all aspects of private international law. Also reflecting the role of the European Union and the Hague Conference on Private International Law in the making of private international law, in addition to the traditional role of domestic legal orders.

    Maandblad voor Vermogensrecht
    Selecteert en behandelt maandelijks de belangrijkste ontwikkelingen op het gebied van het vermogensrecht, in het bijzonder het goederen- en verbintenissenrecht, het overeenkomstenrecht, de onrechtmatige daad, faillissementsrecht, executie- en beslagrecht en de zekerheidsrechten.

    Nederlands Internationaal privaatrecht
    Bevat actuele rechtspraak, literatuur en regelgeving. Tevens forum voor wetenschappelijk en praktijkgericht debat over algemene vraagstukken en recente ontwikkelingen op  gebied van het IPR.

    Nederlands tijdschrift voor Burgerlijk recht
    Volgt ontwikkelingen rond Burgerlijk Wetboek en biedt forum voor juridisch debat. Accent ligt vooral op vermogensrecht.

    Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Fiscaal Recht
    Bevat nieuws en samenvattingen van arresten van de Hoge Raad en uitspraken van gerechtelijke instanties over het volledige fiscale gebied, met toegevoegde commentaren.

    Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Handelsrecht
    Focus is op (grensoverschrijdend) handelsrecht dat van invloed is op de Nederlandse rechtssfeer. Centraal staan o.a.: vervoersrecht, verzekeringsrecht, betalingsverkeer/ zekerhedenrecht, handelskoop, e-commerce, IPR en rechtsmacht en geschillenbeslechting in het handelsrecht.

    Bevat artikelen, columns, boekbesprekingen en commentaren op rechtspraak op gebied van ondernemings- en financieel recht. Ook aandacht voor relevante onderwerpen op Europees, economisch, mededingings-, sociaal, insolventie- en fiscaal recht.

    Rabels Zeitschrift für Ausländisches und internationals Privatrecht / Rabels journal of comparative and International Private Law
    Fachgebiete für alle diese Materien sind also die Rechtsvergleichung und das Auslandsrecht, das Internationale Privat-, Wirtschafts- und Verfahrensrecht sowie die Rechtsvereinheitlichung einschließlich des Europarechts. Die Zeitschrift versteht sich als Forum internationaler wissenschaftlicher Auseinandersetzung und  publiziert in Deutsch, Englisch und Französisch.

    Revue critique de droit international privé
    Comporte des articles de doctrine, des chroniques, des décisions de jurisprudence, sur les questions de la nationalité, de la condition des étrangers, les conflits de lois, les conflits de juridictions ou encore l'Union européenne.

    Revue des Sociétés
    Revue d'analyse juridique, couvrant tous les aspects du droit des sociétés, droit boursier, droit pénal des sociétés et redressement judiciaire. Comporte également des articles de doctrine consacrés a des questions d'actualité et reproduit les principaux textes législatifs ou réglementaires récents.

    Tijdschrift voor arbitrage
    Bevat artikelen, arbitrale vonnissen en bindende adviezen, overheidsrechtspraak, boekbesprekingen en overzichten van literatuur en gepubliceerde rechtspraak. Ook aandacht voor juridische aspecten van alternatieve geschilbeslechting.

    Tijdschrift voor civiele rechtspleging
    Centraal staan de rechterlijke organisatie, het (nieuw) burgerlijk procesrecht, rechtsvordering, bewijsrecht, executie- en beslagrecht, arbitrage en internationale verdragen. Ontwikkelingen op wetgevend en jurisprudentieel terrein worden op de voet gevolgd.

    Tijdschrift voor consumentenrecht en handelspraktijken
    Bevat artikelen m.b.t de nieuwste ontwikkelingen op het gebied van het consumentenrecht. Tevens analyses en commentaren bij recente uitspraken.

    Tijdschrift voor familie- en jeugdrecht
    Focus op praktijkgerichte behandeling van rechtsvragen. Korte artikelen over relevante ontwikkelingen op dit gebied. Biedt ook overzicht van zowel gepubliceerde als ongepubliceerde rechtspraak. Signalering knelpunten in wetgeving en uitvoering daarvan alsmede aandragen van alternatieven.

    Tijdschrift voor financieel recht
    Bevat (korte) artikelen over recente ontwikkelingen, verslagen van congressen, annotaties en overzichten van rechtspraak en van wet- en regelgeving op gebieden als: toezichtsregelgeving, ontwikkeling toezichtsregelgeving (zowel nationaal als Europees) clientsuitability, civielrechtelijke aspecten van effecten (-transacties) etc.

    Tijdschrift voor insolventierecht
    Bevat artikelen, rechtspraak, wetgeving, literatuur en actualiteiten, praktijkvragen en ervaringen. Tevens forum voor opinies.

    Tijdschrift voor scheidingsrecht
    Bevat praktijkgerichte artikelen m.b.t. alle juridische en fiscale aspecten op het gebied van (echt)scheiding. Centraal staat o.a. huwelijksgoederenrecht, pensioenverevening, alimentatie, gezags- en jeugdbeschermingsrecht en boedelscheiding.

    Tijdschrift voor vergoeding personenschade
    Multidisciplinair tijdschrift: niet alleen de juridische invalshoek, maar ook voor andere bij de schaderegeling betrokken disciplines, zoals arbeidsdeskundigen, schaderegelaars, verzekeringsdeskundigen en artsen. Volgt ontwikkelingen op gebied van personenschaderegeling.

    Vennootschap en onderneming
    Bevat actuele ontwikkelingen op het gebied van het vennootschapsrecht, ondernemingsrecht, insolventierecht, alsmede het bank- en effectenrecht. Ook vertaling van jurisprudentie en wet- en regelgeving naar praktijksituaties.

    Weekblad voor Privaatrecht, Notariaat en Registratie
    Bevat artikelen over o.a. erfrecht, personen- en familierecht, huwelijksvermogensrecht, agrarisch recht, bouwrecht, overheid en notariaat, vennootschapsrecht en kadasterzaken.

    WR Tijdschrift voor huurrecht
    Maandblad bevat jurisprudentie en artikelen op het terrein van het huurrecht van woon- en bedrijfsruimte. Ook relevante hogere en lagere rechtspraak, waar nodig voorzien van commentaar.

  • Public International Law


    American Journal of International Law
    Contains articles, editorials, notes, comments, and book reviews by scholars and practitioners on developments in public and private international law. Also contains analyses of decisions by national and international courts and tribunals as well as a section on contemporary U.S. practice in international law.

    European Journal of International Law
    Quarterly law journal covering international law in a combination of theoretical and practical approaches. It also provides coverage of the relationship between international law and European Union law.

    Fordham International Law Journal
    Contains articles, essays and book reviews as wells as notes and comments on topic areas that have a nexus to international law. Five books a year, of which one book is devoted to EU law, with contributions from EU senior officials.

    German Law Journal
    Journal on transnational law. Contains articles on developments in German law, European law, international law, and comparative law. Also a forum for cross-disciplinary and inter-disciplinary research, which often takes a thematic approach.

    Harvard international Law Journal
    Contains articles on international, comparative and foreign law, the role of international law in U.S. courts, and the international ramifications of U.S. domestic law.

    International Legal Materials
    Contains full texts of important treaties and agreements, judicial and arbitral decisions, national legislation, international organizations resolutions, and other documents.

    Journal of Conflict and Security Law
    Contains articles, book reviews and comments on the areas of arms control law, international humanitarian law, the law of armed conflict, the law governing international terrorism, collective security law, peacekeeping and post-conflict law.

    Journal of the History of International Law
    Contains articles, essays and comments on the history of international law, including private international law. Also a forum for debates and a plurality of visions on this field.

    Journal of International Peacekeeping
    Focus is on legal and policy issues. Also topics such as peacekeeping, peace, war, conflict resolution, diplomacy, international law, international security, humanitarian relief, humanitarian law, and terrorism.

    Leiden Journal of International Law
    Journal with focus on international legal theory, international law and practice, international criminal law, as well as international courts and tribunals.

    Netherlands International Law Review
    Contains articles, case-notes, commentaries and book reviews on the fields of public and private international law. Also an overview of the latest legal developments in The Hague.

    Revue générale de droit international public
    Cette revue tend à aider à préparer les progrès du Droit International Public à travers le monde en favorisant la discussion doctrinale et le rapprochement des points de vue.

    Zeitschrift für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht
    Contains articles and reports on topical issues of public international law, foreign and comparative public law, and European law. Attention for public law in states under international administration or in recent developments and ongoing debates in the field. Also book reviews of the latest publications in the world of arbitration.


    Arbitration International
    Contains articles covering all major arbitration rules and national jurisdictions, (case) notes covering other transitional situations.

    International Arbitration Law Review
    News, commentary, and case summaries regarding arbitration proceedings in major jurisdictions worldwide, including reports on legislation and decision. Also worldwide trends in alternative dispute resolution.

    International organizations

    International Organizations Law Review
    Journal with a focus on general developments in international institutional law. The main interest lies in general, theoretical, issues rather than in the law of specific organizations.

    Review of International Organizations
    Articles, papers, comments, book reviews with a focus on the policies and structure of international organizations, such as the WTO, World Bank, NATO, WHO, the European Court of Human Rights, and the UN.

    Trade and investment law

    ICSID review
    Specialized periodical devoted exclusively to foreign investment law and international investment dispute settlement. Contains articles, case comments, documents, and book reviews on procedural and substantive law governing investment dispute resolution.

    International Trade Law and Regulation
    Articles, news, and commentary, covering developments in trade law that directly affect commercial activity, including news from trading blocs such as the World Trade Organization (WTO), the European Union and European Economic Area (EEA) institutions, and the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA).

    Journal of Investment and Trade
    Journal with focus on legal aspects of foreign investment relations in a broad sense: e.g. the law of bilateral, multilateral, regional and sectoral investment treaties, investor-state dispute settlement, and domestic law relating to foreign investment etc.

    Journal of World Trade
    Focus on multilateral, regional, and bilateral trade negotiations, on various anti-dumping and unfair trade practices issues, and on the succession of new issues that arise in this field of activity. Multidisciplinary approach.

    World Trade Review
    Contains articles written from economic, legal, political and interdisciplinary perspectives on issues of relevance to the multilateral trading system.

  • Sociology of Law

    International journal of law, crime and justice
    Contains articles on research and analysis in the areas of socio-legal studies and the psychology of law, criminology and social justice studies.

    International Journal of Law, Language & Discourse
    Contains articles related to legal issues, reviews, comments and opinions on legal cases in the areas of law, linguistics, discourse analysis, psychology and sociology.

    International Journal of the Legal Profession
    Contains studies of the work, work practices, skills and ethics of the legal profession as well as the internal management of law firms and chambers.

    Journal of Law and Society
    Carries both national and international papers mainly from academic lawyers but also from social scientists. It deals with the role and effect of law in society from a critical perspective.

    Law and Policy
    Contains articles that promote interdisciplinary dialogue about the governmental and regulatory activities of both state and non-state actors. Publishes research methodologies that interrogate law, governance, and public policy worldwide.

    Law and Society Review
    Contains information, articles, notes in the fields of cultural, economic, political, psychological, or social aspects of law and legal systems.

    Legal ethics
    Contains studies of legal ethics education and moral development, ethics development in contemporary professional practice, the ethical responsibilities of law schools, professional bodies and government, etc.

  • Tax Law

    Bulletin for International Taxation
    This journal examines tax policy changes and tax developments throughout the world and gives background and perspective to the changes.

    EC Tax Review
    Journal with a focus on tax developments and tax harmonization in the European Union. Also reference source for tax-related literature in the various EU countries.

    European Taxation
    Journal containing articles which analyse the key legal and policy developments affecting taxation and investment in European countries and in the European Union.

    Fiscaal Tijdschrift FED
    Bevat jurisprudentie van de Hoge Raad, gerechtshoven en Hof van Justitie EG. Met annotaties bij de belangrijkste jurisprudentie en beschouwingen over actuele fiscale ontwikkelingen.

    Contains articles on international and European taxation, analysis on regional trends in taxation and on multinational tax developments emanating from organisations such as the OECD, the EU, the WTO the United Nations. Also notes on topical tax developments and case notes on relevant Court decisions on International and EU tax issues.

    MBB Belastingbeschouwingen 
    Bevat artikelen, korte literatuurnotaties en samenvattingen van recente rechtspraak. Regelmatig verschijnen specials over een actueel onderwerp.

    Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Fiscaal Recht
    Bevat nieuws en samenvattingen van arresten van de Hoge Raad en uitspraken van gerechtelijke instanties over het volledige fiscale gebied, met toegevoegde commentaren.

    Tax Law Review
    Journal contains articles and essays by legal academics and practitioners as well as economists. One issue per year is devoted to an annual tax policy symposium.

    Tijdschrift Fiscaal Ondernemingsrecht
    Behandelt fiscale aspecten van het ondernemingsrecht. Elk nummer bevat een actueel thema, dat door verschillende auteurs van meerdere kanten wordt belicht.

    Tijdschrift voor Formeel Belastingrecht
    Bevat artikelen op het gebied van het fiscaal procesrecht, het invorderingsrecht, het straf- en boeterecht, het Europees recht, de heffing van belastingen en de algemene beginselen van behoorlijk bestuur in het belastingrecht.

    Virginia Tax Review
    Student-run law journal with a focus on issues of federal and international taxation from an academic viewpoint.

    Weekblad Fiscaal Recht
    Bevat artikelen met beschouwingen en opinies, verslagen, rapporten en een rubriek  ‘parlementair’ op de verschillende gebieden van het belastingrecht.

    World Tax Journal
    Contains articles on international, comparative and regional taxation from a legal and an economic perspective.

About this list

This list of periodicals is compiled by the Law Library of the University of Amsterdam (UvA). It is a selection of - in general - authoritative journals, sorted by field of law and supplementary to the journals mentioned in the research guides. These research guides are based on the Master's programmes offered at the Faculty of Law of the UvA.

The short descriptions are usually in English, except for Dutch journals. Please refer to the Legal Literature guide for information on finding specific law journals/articles.

Suggestions or remarks? Send an email to (last updated: 26/11/2021)