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The Data Science Centre, part of the University Library, looks back on the past year and highlights the achievements and successes of 2022. From the launch of a new fellowship programme and scientific research outputs, to workshops and events organised for the community.
Networking during the Data Science Day 2022
Data Science Day 2022

Launched in 2021, the Data Science Centre (DSC), part of the University Library, is a coordinating hub and facilitator for data-driven research within the University of Amsterdam. Our mission is to enhance the university’s research by developing, sharing, and promoting data science methods and technologies across faculties.  

  • Since 2021, the DSC community has grown from 25 to 58 engaged members in 2022.
  • 15 scientific articles have been published.
  • The very first Away Day was organised for the community and developments in data science were showcased at the UvA during the annual Data Science Day.
  • Throughout the year, the Library offered workshops on digital skills.
  • Within the Accelerate Programme, 12 research proposals were awarded to 6 faculties to fund a data scientist or engineer.
  • A joint fellowship programme has been set up in collaboration with the International Institute for Advanced Study (IAS).