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For the 2023-2025 period, new rules apply with regard to copyright. Though the new agreement has only just been made public, the arrangements are effective from this year onwards. Lecturers are now allowed to copy up to 40 pages (instead of 50) from a publication, provided this constitutes a maximum of 20% of that work. The new rules come from an amendment to the Easy Access Agreement (formerly the 'reader regulation') that has been agreed between Dutch universities (UNL) and publishers (UvO Foundation).

Check that your teaching materials are still compliant

It is important that rules regarding copyright for educational material are observed. Infringement can lead to fines for the UvA.

The new arrangement includes a tightening of previous permissions. Where up to 50 pages could previously be incorporated in teaching materials, this number is now 40. If you have uploaded literature for students in the course environment for your teaching in the next block (academic year 2023-2024), or are planning to do so, please check that it meets the 40-page limit.

With the new scheme, the use of images has been bought off as well. There is no limit to the number of images that can be placed in a document (e.g. a PowerPoint presentation). However, there are two conditions: a maximum of 25 images from a single work (e.g. a book), and a maximum of 10 works by the same creator.

If you want to upload more than 40 pages after all, please seek prior permission from the copyright holder. Information on how to do this can be found on this page on copyright for lecturers.

To avoid violation of copyright rules, direct links (to legal sources) are preferred. Referring to open access content (open educational resources) is always allowed. Canvas offers several ways of linking to publications. The Library is happy to help you make the switch from uploads to links. For the purchase of electronic editions, you can contact the Library as well.

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