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Systematic reviews and meta-analyses are a type of literature review that aims to synthesize evidence, using pre-specified criteria and a systematic methodology. The Library offers support for making both the search process, general workflow and reporting of the methodology easier.

We offer help with:

  • translating your research question into a consistent, transparent and reproducible search strategy, which can be used as an appendix in the final paper
  • database selection
  • advice on additional search strategies
  • general workflow guidance like deduplication between databases, screening tools and working with (machine learning) technology
  • advice on different systematic review methodologies like scoping reviews, rapid reviews, meta-ethnographies, critical interpretative syntheses and realist syntheses.

Working with one of our subject librarians increases the quality of your review, enables you to work more efficiently and increases the probability of finding all relevant articles.

How to contact us

Make an appointment

Every Tuesday morning (10:00 - 12:00hrs), we are available online to answer your questions about systematic reviews and meta-analyses. The appointment takes a maximum of 30 minutes.

If you are interested in more intensive guidance or would like to submit your question in writing, please contact the Library. To assist you effectively, we will ask you to fill out an intake form beforehand.