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Van Dale
Bilingual dictionaries for German, English, French, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish and Swedish to Dutch. Manual
Dictionaries for a large number of languages, i.a. Arabic, Russian, Italian and Swedish. expressions
Translations for standard expressions, e.g. letters of application or business correspondence.

Inter-Active Terminology for Europe (IATE)
Terminology in all official languages of the EU. 

Dutch - Dutch

Van Dale
Dictionary of current Dutch. Manual

Woordenboek der Nederlandsche Taal
The WNT contains  the Old and Early Middle Dutch and Middle Dutch dictionaries, the Dictionary of the Dutch Language and the Dictionary of the Frisian Language. 

Schatkamer van de Nederlandse Taal
A collection of databases, such as glossaries, frequency lists and lexical databases. It includes the Algemeen Nederlands Woordenboek, a dictionary of contemporary Dutch. 

Etymologisch woordenboek van het Nederlands
An etymological dictionary of Dutch. 

Other languages

Within the UvA domain there are English and German dictionaries accessible. 
Or consult the list of Databases - Dictionaries