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Because science is an ongoing debate, which is conducted through publications, it is sometimes important to follow that debate from a particular publication, forward or backward in time.

In Web of Science and Google Scholar you can see in which publications certain articles and books were later quoted or mentioned. In Scopus you can check that for articles. In Web of Science and Scopus, the quoting publications are always articles from peer-reviewed journals. In Web of Science and Scopus you will find not only the quoting articles (Times Cited/Cited by, forward in time), but also the articles that have been quoted (Cited References, backward in time).

If you want to look up in Web of Science in which articles a particular book has been quoted, use the Cited Reference Search option.

Also in CataloguePlus (logged in with UvAnetID) you can find the quoting and cited publications at articles:

  • via the link 'citing this' and 'cited in this': the quoting and quoted articles that are also available in CataloguePlus;
  • via the link to 'view (n) citations in SciVerse Scopus': the quoting articles in Scopus.
  • via the link 'view (n) citations in WEB OF SCIENCE': the quoting articles in Web of Science. 

If you are outside the UvA you need an active VPN connection for the links to SciVerse Scopus and Web of Science.