UvA-DARE contains citations of publications by UvA staff. A large number of these publications are full-text available via this database.
Quick search
If sufficiently characteristic terms (author, words from the title) are known, enter these in the search window at the UvA-DARE home page to find the desired title quickly, e.g. braam structure.
Searching for publications by UvA staff
- Select Advanced search.
- Select authors & editors in he first drop-down menu.
- Enter the author name: surname, all initials and other elements, for example eemeren, f.h. van . If you are not certain of the initials, please only enter the surname. Enter characters with diacritics and accents (e.g. ä, å, , ó, ø) exactly in this way.
- Use the menus to limit the search, for example to institute, type of publication, full-text documents or publication year.
- Click Search.
- Click a title to see the full citation.
- Select Browse.
- If necessary, filter on Document Type, Full text, Faculty and / or Publication Year.
- Click previous or next to scroll through the index.
- Click for example an author name to see all publications of the author.
- Characters with diacritics and accents (e.g. ä, å, , ó, ø) come at the end of the alphabet, so that Gärdenfors follows Gyssen.
Searching by faculty or research institute
- Select Advanced search.
- Select a faculty from the drop-down menus.
- If necessary, limit to Document Type(s), Publication Year(s), full-text document.
- Click Search.
Search tips
- In Advanced search you can combine three search windows with the Boolean operators AND, OR or NOT.
- When searching for an exact phrase use quotes, e.g. "quantum gravity".
- Use * to truncate. It replaces any number of characters. The search term postmodern* will find postmodern, postmoderne, postmodernism, postmodernisme, postmodernity, etc.
Full-text publications
- If a publication is full-text available in UvA-DARE, you can download the file on record level by clicking the Download link.
My Selection: add email
- You can add a record to My selection by clicking add to my selection. From My selection you can then open and / or email the record(s).
- Click E-mail My Selection in the tab My selection to send a record either to yourself or someone else (for example a colleague).
Sort search results
By default, the search results are sorted by relevance. You can also sort them by publication year, title or author.
- Select your preferred sorting order from the drop-down menu over the search results list .
- Click Sort by.
- When sorting by title, the (in)definite article at the start of a title is included.
- When sorting by author, titles are sorted by first author.