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Here you can find relevant information about Book Studies for students and staff.

If you have any questions, please contact:

  • Information Sources
  • Location

    The collection for Book Studies is housed at the Allard Pierson at Oude Turfmarkt 129.

    The heritage collections of the University of Amsterdam are managed by the Allard Pierson. You will find a diversity of internationally renowned collections in fields such as archaeology, cartography, book history, Jewish culture, church history, natural history, Surinamica, literature, history of the performing arts and graphic design.

    Access Policy

    The Reading Room is only accessible for consultation of heritage materials and books from the various reference libraries of the Allard Pierson. For access and consultation you must have a valid student or employee card of the UvA/HvA, or a valid external pass.

    The Reading Room is open all year round from Monday to Friday from 09:30 - 17:00, except on:

    • Good Friday
    • Easter Monday
    • Ascension Day and the following Friday
    • King's Day
    • Liberation Day
    • Whit Monday
    • From 23 December to 1 January

    It is also closed on collective holidays designated by the UvA.

    Service & collection

    You can visit the Reading Room on the 1st floor of the Allard Pierson for support, questions and information regarding heritage materials, and more:

    • Consulting heritage materials from the depots
    • Consulting books from the various reference libraries
    • Borrowing and returning books from the Book depot (IWO)
    • Photo assignments
    • Use and borrowing of Scantent
    • Use of Microfiche reader
    • Catalogue consultation via collection-pc's
    • Printing, copying and scanning; no heritage materials and always in consultation with desk staff

    Other facilities

    • Cloakroom with lockers
    • Espresso bar in the museum (closed on Mondays)


    The Reading Room is accessible for wheelchair users.

    Address & Contact

    Questions, complaints or suggestions? Pass it on via the Reading Room Contact form.

  • Support

    Myriam van der Hoek provides support to students and staff in their research and educational activities.

    M. (Myriam) van der Hoek

    Collection Specialist Book Studies

Visiting address: Oude Turfmarkt 129, 1012 GC Amsterdam
Telephone Desk Reading Room: 020 525 2473
Website Allard Pierson Open Google Maps