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The online subscription to the Financieel Dagblad (FD) was discontinued as of January 1, 2025. From that date, the newspaper will no longer be accessible through the Nexis Uni database or newspaper archive. The subscription to this newspaper was arranged through a national collaboration of educational organizations: SURF, University Libraries & National Library (UKB), and the knowledge and expertise network for university libraries (SHB). The decision to end the subscription was made by these organisations and applies to all universities and higher education institutions in the Netherlands. The main reason for ending the subscription is a difference between FD Mediagroep and SURF when it comes to the handling of user data.
Picture of a random newspaper

What does this mean for you?

As of January 1, 2025, you will no longer have access to the FD app through UvA. Links to online articles on Canvas will also no longer work after this date. However, you can still access the newspaper through the physical newspaper subscription, which is available at the Library. Ask the Library for more information.