16 October 2023
Policy Commons is a search platform that contains policy documents, research and working papers, charts, media, case studies and datasets from more than 24.000 organizations (NGOs, thinktanks, IGOs, and research centres). This so-called grey literature is usually not easy to find. Policy Commons offers a searchable directory, where you can access wide-ranging full text documents published by organizations in 160 countries, such as Amnesty International, Environmental Law Institute, Council of Europe, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Global Knowledge Partnership on Migration and Development, Africa Institute of South Africa, Education Sub-Saharan Africa, African Union, Rand Corporation, The Asia Foundation, OECD, WHO, ILO, Pew Research Centre, Heritage Foundation, and many more.
The trial allows access to all available documents to evaluate the functionality and potential use of Policy Commons. Please provide your feedback here. Your feedback is important and helps to inform the purchase decision of this database.