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During the quiet summer months, the Library is carrying out internal work for both maintenance and improvement. From 24 July, part of the Humanities collections will be relocated.

About 40,000 volumes (out of a total of 215,000 volumes) will be relocated. These are the collections of the University Library Singel (UB) and the P.C. Hoofthuis. That part of the collections will not be available again until after 11 August. We expect this work to cause some inconvenience. 

Photo: Monique Kooijmans

Looking for a quiet study space?

Then choose a study spot in the Learning Space on the ground floor of the P.C. Hoofthuis. No activities are taking place in the large study areas at the University Library Singel.

Is a book that is essential for your study or research no longer available from 24 July?

Please, contact us.