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The challenge: work in a structured manner with fellow students on your study for five weeks under the supervision of the student hosts within the Online Study Space (OSS). Join us and keep your focus on your studies.

Keeping yourself motivated to study is an emotional challenge, but you can learn a routine to achieve your goals. The OSS can help with that; studying in a group or with a study buddy is a good motivator for success. It keeps you more focused, it stimulates your creativity, increases your productivity and deepens your knowledge through the input of your fellow students.

The Challenge

Between 1 March and 1 April, you will attend 10 study sessions in the Online Study Space. You will receive a digital stamp for each study session that you have attended. The challenge is completed when you have 10 digital stamps. Our hosts provide structure, extra study support and the necessary social interaction. At the end of the exam week, we celebrate the completion of the challenge together with a winner's drink.

The study sessions take place in the Online Study Space. There are sessions with hosts on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays, but you can start your own study session 24/7 and ask other students to join you.

To access OSS, you need to download MS Teams. Free for UvA students.
To access OSS, you need to download MS Teams. Free for UvA students.

The Challenge Break Down:

  • March 1 start
  • 10 x in online study session
  • 5 weeks
  • 1 hour per study session (minimum)