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Of all peer reviewed scientific articles at the UvA, 63 percent was published in open access in 2019. This is a growth of almost 10 percentage point compared to 2018. What can researchers do to make even more articles open and reach the 100 percent in 2020?

The ambition of the Netherlands is to achieve 100% open access. The Dutch universities are monitoring the progress made and report every year to OCW. Of all peer reviewed scientific articles at the UvA, 63 percent was published in open access in 2019. This is a bit higher than the average of the joint universities.

How do we get 100% Open Access?

We can reach the 100 percent when always one of the following three possibilities is used to publish a scientific article open access or to make it freely available.

  1. Make use of the VSNU agreements with publishers to publish open access without any costs. An overview of the journals that are part of the agreements can be found in the Open Access Journal Browser.
  2. Archive the author accepted manuscript (AAM) version of your article open in the university repository. Self-archiving policies of publishers can be found on the website Sherpa Romeo and in Pure.
  3. Make use of your right based on article 25fa Dutch Copyright Act and make the publishers version of you article freely available in the university repository after six months embargo. For more information, see the UvA Staff website Article 25fa Dutch Copyright Law (Taverne).

Questions on open access?

See the Library website for more information or please ask