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From 2 October till 6 October, the libraries of three higher education institutions in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, will organize an Erasmus+ Staff week. The theme of this event will be ‘Research and Education supported by Amsterdam Libraries’.
Event details of Erasmus Staff Week 2023
Start date
2 October 2023
End date
6 October 2023

Experts at the libraries of University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences and Vrije Universiteit will highlight different aspects of how they support education and research at their respective institutions, and will showcase some of their initiatives and best practices.

The main topics will be:

  • How to realize open access in research?
  • Visibility of library services and collections in learning environments
  • Research Data Management
  • Research impact and valorisation
  • Education Support

For whom?

This staff week is aimed at all employees in libraries of higher education institutions. Professional knowledge of English is required.

Registration closed