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A key aspect of data science is turning data into a story that anyone can understand at a glance. In this Data Visualization Bootcamp, you will learn how to represent data in visual formats like pictures, charts and graphs.
Event details of Data Visualization Bootcamp
20 October 2023
10:00 -16:00
Monique Kooijmans

All UvA-researchers can apply for this workshop, with priority to members of the UvA Data Science Centre. Interested MA students are also welcome. It is required that you have some basic comfortability using Python. 

In this workshop you will:  

  • learn the most important principles of data visualization,  

  • learn how to use data visualization libraries in Python (with Bokeh and Pyodide), 

  • develop your own Bokeh dashboard to visualize and collect data. 

Plenary instruction is combined with hands-on practice with your own datasets in small groups.  The workshop will cover how interactive visualizations and dashboarding in Python/Bokeh differs from RShiny. You will learn how to run Bokeh Apps in the browser via Pyodide (no server required).   

By the end of the workshop, you will be able to create powerful storytelling visuals with your own research data.

Workshop details 

This workshop is offered at no cost. There will be a break between 12:30 and 13:00. Lunch, coffee and tea is included. 

Instructor: Javier Garcia-Bernardo, Assistant Professor, ODISSEI Social Data Science Team. 
Language: English. 

Preparation for the workshop 

Please review the previous training on data visualization: 

We encourage you to bring your own datasets to the workshop. You can send them in advance to the trainer Javier Garcia-Bernardo

Roeterseilandcampus - building B/C/D (entrance B/C)

Room B2.02
Nieuwe Achtergracht 166
1018 WV Amsterdam