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The term ‘fake news’ is used all the time these days. In this workshop, you will discover what fake news is and learn how to recognize it. You will also do a fun activity to examine your own prejudices and the role they play in evaluating news. Workshop for students.
Event details of Fake News
20 September 2023
13:00 -15:00
Organised by
Harrie van der Meer
Roman Kraft via Unsplash

Target group


About this workshop

The term ‘fake news’ is used all the time these days. In this workshop, you will discover what fake news is and learn how to recognise it. You will also do a fun activity to examine your own prejudices and the role they play in evaluating news.

After successful completion of this workshop, you will:

  • be aware of the existence of fake news;
  • be aware of the influence of prejudices and tunnel vision when evaluating news; and
  • be able to recognise fake news in social and traditional media. 

In this workshop, you will hear a brief explanation and then analyse and evaluate news yourself. 

Number of participants

Minimum of 4.


This workshop will be conducted in English, unless all participants prefer Dutch. 


These workshops are free of charge. 

