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On 11 May, the last film screening of this academic year will take place featuring "Shadow of Doubt", this is a 1943 American film directed by Alfred Hitchcock. This psychological thriller is Hitchcock's favorite film, and he uses the library and the small Californian town setting as symbols of utopian innocence that is being invaded. Shadow of Doubt was nominated for one Academy Award. The introduction by assistant professor of Media and Culture, Blandine Joret, will delve into Hitchcock's films and his approach to genre conventions. Afterwards, there will be an opportunity to discuss the film over drinks.
Event details of Film Screening 'Shadow of Doubt'
11 May 2023
17:30 -22:00


- Introduction by Blandine Joret, associate professor of Media and Culture Faculty of Humanities

- Film screening 'Shadow of Doubt' by Alfred Hitchcock

- Afterwards discussion with drinks

As an extension of the semi-permanent exhibition 'Beyond A-Z', there is a public programme in which various activities are organised such as the FilmclUB with films from the collection.