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During the exam week, on Tuesday, 28 March the canteen will turn red, white and green! During the fourth UB Diner, this time we will be drawing attention to the Italian cookbooks in the History of Food Collection from the Allard Pierson.
Event details of Join the UB Diner
28 March 2023
18:30 -19:30
Picture of forks
Photo by Alex G on Unsplash

Questions that will come up during the UB dinner include: What did Italian cuisine look like before tomatoes? Since when have we been eating pasta in the Netherlands? And what about pizza?

The Italian recipe will be chosen from the extensive culinary collection by a UvA student, together with the Programming team and Charlotte Kleyn, curator of the History of Food Collection at the Allard Pierson. The search for the perfect recipe will be recorded and shown during the dinner. The festive meal, consisting of small dishes for shared dining, will once again be prepared by chef Evert Te Pas.  

The cost of this special dinner is €5. Your reservation will not be definitive until payment is made, so make sure you pay at the information desk on the first floor of the University Library before 25 March.