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On 16 February, the third edition of the film programme will take place at the University Library. We will show the neo-noir thriller 'Ninth Gate.
Event details of Film Screening ‘Ninth Gate’
16 February 2023
18:30 -22:00
De Doelenzaal
Film screening of Roman Polanski's 'Ninth Gate’ Image: Monique Kooijmans

Released in 1999 on the eve of the new millennium, it rode a wave of movies dealing with the end of days prophecy. Based on a novel ‘Club Dumas’ by Arturo Pérez Reverte.

The plot revolves around a discovery of a 17th century book by a rare book dealer Boris Balkan (Johnny Depp) which can allegedly summon the devil.

Polanski used the occult and thriller cliches to subverts genre expectations and find humour in the macabre. It's been called a mix of 'Rosmary's Baby’ and ‘Chinatown’.

Assistant professor of Media and Culture, Blandine Joret, will enrich our viewing experience by diving deeper into the machinations that the director used to create this genre pastiche.


This film screening is the third edition of the film programme accompanying the Library's exhibition 'Beyond A to Z: A Library Story with an Open Ending'

University Library

Room De Doelenzaal
Singel 425
1012 WP Amsterdam