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Nexis Uni is a large database of international and Dutch news sources. In this workshop you will receive tips to find and store the relevant information in an efficient way.
Event details of Nexis Uni
12 April 2022
10:00 -12:00
Organised by
Noor Breuning
Logo Nexis Uni by Lexis Nexis

Target group

Students, researchers and teachers of the University of Amsterdam.

About this workshop

In this workshop you will practise searching specific news sources, and limiting the results to for instance news source or period. Attention is paid to advanced search options that are not immediately obvious. You will also discover how to download and export results, and how to save your searches for later use.

Number of participants

Minimum of 7, maximum of 16 


This workshop will be conducted in English, unless all participants prefer Dutch.


These workshops are free of charge.


Online training via Zoom.