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Web of Science and Scopus are citation databases that contain references to international journal articles from all academic disciplines. What can you use Web of Science and Scopus for, and how do these databases work? Workshop for researchers, teachers and students both of the University of Amsterdam and Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences.
Event details of Searching citation databases
8 March 2023
11:00 -12:30
Organised by
Noor Breuning
Photo: Donald Gianatti via Unsplash

Target group

Students, researchers and teachers of the University of Amsterdam and Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences.

About this workshop

Web of Science and Scopus are citation databases that contain references to international journal articles from all academic disciplines. What can you use Web of Science and Scopus for, and how do these databases work?  

After successful completion of this module, you will be able to:

  • find the publications quoted and cited in interesting articles and books;
  • analyse search results by country or affiliation; and
  • determine the scientific impact of journals. 

This workshop includes practical demonstrations and exercises.  

Number of participants

Minimum of 7, maximum of 16 


This workshop will be conducted in English, unless all participants prefer Dutch.


These workshops are free of charge.


Online training via Teams.