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There is an increasing demand for data-driven research to find answers to complex issues. The most common used programming languages for data-analysis are Python and R. On Tuesday the 7th through Friday the 10th the UvA Library organises a workshop of four half-days for researchers and Master students of the UvA and VU who want to gain knowledge on the basics of programming and plotting with Python, data-management with Unix Shell, and version control and collaboration with Git.
Event details of Introduction to programming with Python, UnixShell and Git
Start date
7 March 2023
End date
10 March 2023

During this course the following subjects will be covered: 

  • Programming and plotting with Python  

  • Unix Shell 

  • GitHub 

No prior knowledge is required. Participants will receive links to download Open Source software before the start of the workshop. 

The workshop approach is based on The Carpentries; a worldwide organization of researchers, programmers and knowledge workers who teach their colleagues data and software skills in a low threshold way. 

Workshop details

The workshop is offered at no cost. Please note that lunch is not included, so bring your own lunch. We will take care of coffee and tea.

Date and time

Startdate: Tuesday 7th of March 2023 
Enddate: Friday 10th of March 2023 
This workshop takes place on four half days: Tuesday 7, Wednesday 8, Thursday 9 and Friday 10 March.

Time: 09.30 - 14.00 (Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday)


March 7th – REC BK.01, Roeterseiland building B, Nieuwe Achtergracht 166, Amsterdam 
March 8, 9 en 10th - UB C0.01, Potgieterszaal, University Library, Singel 421-427, Amsterdam


By signing up you agree to comply with The Carpentries Code of Conduct. In case of more than 25 applicants, a selection is made based on background and motivation. No later than the 28th of February you will receive a message on whether your participation is final.