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During exam time, on Tuesday 31 January, it is  UB Diner again. A cosy one-hour dinner.  This edition, the recipe will be chosen by a UvA student from the Allard Pierson's extensive culinary collection. Participants will receive a goodie bag with recipes and surprises during this event.
Event details of Come to the UB Diner
31 January 2023
18:30 -19:30
Picture of forks
Photo by Alex G on Unsplash

The search for the perfect recipe will be recorded and shown during the dinner. The festive meal, consisting of small dishes that you share with your table mates, called 'shared dining', will be prepared this time by chef Evert Lepas. 

The cost for this special dinner is 5 euro and should be paid at the information desk on the first floor in the week prior to the dinner. After the amount has been paid, we do not issue refunds.